Author Topic: Andrew Vang's Authorization Application  (Read 3521 times)

Offline Cat With A Mustache

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Andrew Vang's Authorization Application
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:32:17 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Cat With A Mustache
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About three years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: One year.

Character Section

A dark blue colored bandanna. (Close enough:

A plain red hat, no logo's. (

A large overcoat. Almost like a trench coat, that is a black. (Along these lines:

A 12" metal retractable rod. 6" retracted into the handle. Quite rusty, and bent in multiple places, limiting use to a few strong hits until it snaps. (A little bit like this, but in a MUCH worse condition:

Name: Andrew Vang
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
 Andrew suddenly snaps awake, his body angled upward as he has a startled awakening. He looks around the area that he lives in. A small pathetic couch, a kitchen with crappy appliances, a stained mattress on the floor, and a suitcase in the corner of the room, open with it's items sprawled around it. As Andrew stands up from the mattress, he notices that what he was awoken by, is still on. He looks about his small 'apartment', and notices that it isn't coming from the apartment, but rather outside, in a distant area. Instead of ignoring the loud noise that was emitting from the distance, he quickly rushes over to the suitcase in the corner, and quickly fumbles with the sprawled out objects near the suitcase. After a short while, he finally does get every item into the suitcase, including a blue jumpsuit, brown shoes, socks, underwear, and his bathroom supplies.

 He slips on his other pair of brown shoes next to the door, and grabs the suitcase by the handle. The handle however doesn't hold from the countless layers of tape on it, and the case falls to the floor. Dropping the handle that stayed in his hand, Andrew picks up the suitcase, and hugs it, moving to the door. As he nears the door, he fumbles with the doorknob, and opens the door, closing it with his hip as he enters the hallway. He looks down at his clothes while other people wearing the same attire as him stumble out of their own apartments. A two day, un-washed jumpsuit. It would have to work for now. He quickly 'jogs' down the hallway to the staircase at the end of hallway.

 Quickly descending the stairs, he bumps into many other males, who all push him about, and yell at him as he nears the bottom of the staircase. Clearly, the men are confident with bullying Andrew, however he doesn't stop his descent, and continues until he reaches the door to the outside. Looking outside, he notices a large group of people moving north, towards a large building that looks to be almost 2,000 feet tall. Shaking his head, he avoids the large group, and continues on down the alleyway that he walked into, to a large concrete platform, complete with wooden tables, and objects on the tables, with men and women standing behind the tables. A sign next to them reads: "Precinct 3 Market."

 The loud noise that woke Andrew up, emits again, this time clearly coming from the large building that he looked at minutes earlier. Andrew angles his head back, looking at the top of the building, reading a sign to himself like he had for weeks; "City 12's Nexus...". Andrew looked back down, and noticed that only two people stood behind tables today, a lot less than the usual twelve that had spots on the platform. As he approaches the tables, he looks down at the merchandise on it, noting that many of the objects could get someone harmed if they were caught with such an item from a masked figure. However the table mostly just consisted of a few clothing items. Looking up to the man on the other side of the table, he asks the man a question, "'Excuse me, sir. How much are these two items?" Andrew points down at a dark blue bandanna, usually worn by females around their head to protect their hair.

 The man behind the table looks up, an eyebrow raised as he see's someone stand before him, "That thing? Just take it. I am giving out my stock for free today, no use in having these fine items go to shit. I was going to throw it away anyways. Not like I can keep all this stuff on the trip to the new city...". Andrew looks at the clothing material, a small grin appearing across his lips. He quickly puts his suitcase on the table, and clicks the flaps on the side of the case, so that it unlocks. He opens the case up, and buries the item in the miscellaneous clothes and such in the case, and closes the suitcase again, locking the flaps on the side. He looks back up at the man, and utters a small 'Thank you', before turning off down the street.

 After a few minutes, he meets up with a large group of citizen's near what appears to be a subway system. Masked guards are positioned about the entire subway, guarding each exit and entrance with a metal rod in their hands. As the large mass of people moves down the subway's steps, a large monitor flicks on in front of the mass group, an man in their mid 40's appears on the screen. He smiles on the screen, and begins to talk, the masked guards paying no attention to the screen. "Citizen's of City 12. I appear here today to tell you of the great wonders of being relocated to another city. You all get to meet new people, and a new scenery. Now I know some of you thought of this City as your home, but..." Andrew ignored the last bit of the speaking, not caring for what the man had to say. After moving a mere three feet in 60 seconds, the recording on the screen repeats again.

 After almost an hour of standing and waiting, Andrew finally approaches one of the masked guards near a fence. The guard looks up, and says, "<:: Apply, I need your name and Citizen Identification Number." Andrew sighs, and repeats the requested information for the hundredth time. The masked guard types a few things in on a small screen that he is holding on to. After a short while, the guard looks up again, and points at Andrews suitcase, "<:: Open it up." Andrew sets the suitcase on the ground, and unlocks the flaps on the side, opening t so the guard can easily see it's contents. The guard moves around a small shirt on the top of the supplies in the suitcase, and shrugs, tapping another thing into his pad. The guard then jerks a thumb over his left shoulder, "<:: City 17. Take the train right behind me." Andrew slightly tilts his head, looking past the unit. The train looked very sharp on the front of it, almost like a razor blade or something. Raising an eyebrow, Andrew steps past the unit, and gets onto the train, sitting at a line booth near the window, waiting for the train to begin it's journey.

 After a short while speeding down the tracks, another male finds a seat across from Andrew, sighing as he slumps his bag down on the hair next to him. Andrew looks up, surprised to see company. The man however did not speak, and followed Andrews initial stare out the window. Soon, Andrew grows tired of the scenery that he never gets to see, and tries to make small chat with the man across from him. "That's a nice jacket you got on there, where'd ya' get it?" The man turns his gaze up the Andrew, "The, uh, Civil Workers Union where selling them for about 100 tokens a few moths ago. It was quite a good price." Andrew eyes the black jacket, noticing that some of the buttons are missing, and that it is beaten to hell with many stains on it. "How about a deal," Andrew begins "I'll give you 125 tokens for the jacket right now. I hear my new city is quite cold, and I don't have a jacket. The man's eyes lit up, and instantly takes off the jacket, tossing it to Andrew, "Deal!" Andrew goes into his suitcase, and pulls out a small bag of tokens, taking out one token worth '100', and another worth '25', and hands them to the other man. As the train speeds down its tracks, the two drift into a small conversation about their old lives in City 12, and where they would go next.

 Looking out the window, Andrew smiles as he journey comes to an end. The train approaches it's docking station, and it's doors fly open, allowing citizens to flee its uncomfortable seats. Leaving the subway station, Andrew begins to explore the town, it's alleys and building unknown to him. After a shirt time of walking, Andrew finds the area he was looking for. It was a gate with a sign that read: 'Precinct 3'. Opening the gate, his suitcase under his arm, Andrew walks through the various amounts of alley ways in the 'new' Precinct 3. Garbage lay everywhere, empty containers, shards of glass, and countless garbage bags filled the alleys.

 Turning down an alley, Andrew notices a group of three men hanging around a doorway with a large sign over it, "The Grizzly Grotto." Andrew tilted his head, reading the sign, why anyone would name a place that is beyond him. Approaching the group, the men turn their heads, facing Andrew as he slides past them down the alley way. The men turn back to each other, and begin to whisper very quietly to each other, and quickly scamper off in another direction. Turning around to see what made the foot step noises, Andrew notices a small red object on top of a large dumpster, near where the men stood. Approaching the dumpster, Andrew notices it's actually a small ball cap, pure red, covered in brown dull stains. Picking up the hat, Andrew turns to the direction where the men moved off to, however their appearance is no where to be seen in the alley. Shrugging, Andrew looks the hat over, and places it on his head, despite the gross stains. A bit big for his head, but not bad for size. Turning down the alley he was walking, Andrew notices a large apartment complex before him, and opens the door to the apartment's lobby.

 After picking up his set of keys off the hook in the lobby, Andrew goes to check his new assigned apartment. Upon opening the door, Andrew notices nothing different. A crappy kitchen, a table, a couch, and no bed. Exhausted, Andrew flops onto the couch. However upon hitting the couch, Andrew felt a hard object hit his back, bruising his back slightly. Standing up, Andrew quickly moves the couch pillows, to reveal what look like a metal rod.

 Upon closer inspection, Andrew come to the conclusion that the metal rod it one of those weapons that can retract into itself to make it smaller. Oh how Andrew missed movies. However, the rod was covered in rust, and was bent in multiple spots. Andrew decided to test the rod, and push the top into itself do it retracts. Without any problem, the rod retracts into itself by the simple push of Andrews hands. However when he pressed the button on the bare metal handle, nothing happened. Confused, Andrew shakes the rod, the metal coming back out of the rod. However Andrew had to use a but of force to get the thing to come out. Closing it back up, Andrew tosses the rod into his suitcase carelessly. He might be able to get a few tokens for selling it. Hell, maybe he'll use it. A new City means a new life. Never hurts to try something new, with new people...

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
+Can be used many ways.
+Can be used to hide one's identity.

Red Hat:
+Shield one's face from weather.
+Hide one's identity from above.

Black Coat:
+Good for protecting it's wearer from weather.
+Keep's it's wearer warm.
+Can conceal items within it.

Metal Retractable Rod:
+Can be used as a weapon.
+Made of metal, a useful material.
+Can be made smaller, easier to conceal.

-Can help identify the wearer.
-Can be a clothing of intimidation to others.
-Can be stolen.

Red Hat:
-Can help identify the wearer.
-Quite bright, easy to see from distances.
-Can be stolen.

Black Coat:
-Can help identify the wearer.
-Weighs down the wearer from it's thickness and items inside the coat.
-An item of value, could be stolen.

Metal Retractable Rod:
-Very poor condition.
-Can be an item of value, and get stolen.
-The retractable part can get stuck, making the weapon almost useless.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to use these items to help with Crime-RP and such in P3. I've never really tried a full fledged Anti-Union citizen before, and I think it will help with the dangers of P3. However, I mostly think that the weapon will be used more towards the defense-side, than the mugging side, however that a mug here and there won't hurt. The items are mostly used to conceal my citizen's identity, making it harder to find him without the items of clothing on. Nothing really interesting going on here really...

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Nope. I am a one-man-band.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I feel like I made the ways that he got the items a bit, well, bland. So I can switch it if it helps. Also, I saw on the Auth's that 'Melee' weapons can be gotten Icly, but as far as I know, you need an auth. for it. So if I am wrong here, sorry 'bout that.

EDIT: Half of the back story didn't go through, so I had to retype it, on my IPod, so expect mistakes.
EDIT: Fixed a few spelling errors, updated some 'defects', detailed the 'rod' a bit more, and fiddled with acquiring the hat (Brown).
« Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 06:26:17 PM by Cat With A Mustache »

wait i dont get

thats what i said when i first learned about weaboo's, furries, and bronys

Offline Masterlordflame

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Re: Andrew Vang's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2013, 04:46:13 AM »
Very interesting very interesting indeed. Got my support

Offline Reaver

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Re: Andrew Vang's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2013, 10:06:53 PM »
I have a few problems with this application.
1) Why would the CCA unit have carelessly over-looked the hat and bandanna? Neither are Universal Union approved.
2)I'd like you to detail the measurements of the 'rod'. Saying 'easy to conceal' makes it sound like you can hide it anywhere you want.
3) Regarding the Black Coat. Part of the regular citizen load-out is a dark coloured nylon jacket. Is that what you mean? If not, how did the citizen get on the train without a unit removing it from his person?

I'll give an answer regarding my support or lack there of when OP responds.
A Freudian dick is when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended to say

Offline Cat With A Mustache

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Re: Andrew Vang's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2013, 10:28:03 PM »
I have a few problems with this application.
1) Why would the CCA unit have carelessly over-looked the hat and bandanna? Neither are Universal Union approved.
2)I'd like you to detail the measurements of the 'rod'. Saying 'easy to conceal' makes it sound like you can hide it anywhere you want.
3) Regarding the Black Coat. Part of the regular citizen load-out is a dark coloured nylon jacket. Is that what you mean? If not, how did the citizen get on the train without a unit removing it from his person?

I'll give an answer regarding my support or lack there of when OP responds.

1. The bandana and such were barried under Andrew's other suitcase contents. And considering that a large amount of citizen's are moving about, I would assume that the unit would get bored after checking hundreds of suitcases and such. Units can be lazy sometimes.

2. Yeah, maybe I should have went into detail a bit more. I was thinking that the 'rod' would be roughly 12-18 inches long, extended, and 6 inches retracted in the handle. Thus, a 6 inch object can be quite easy to hide, weather it be from a jacket or inside of a backpack.

3. No, it's not the nylon jacket. Let's go deeper into the black void of the back-ground. Back in good ol' City 12, the CWU were distributing black jacket to the citizens in the city. The jackets ARE UU branded, due to the fact that some cities are colder than others because of geological locations and shit. I mean there are UU branded watches and shit, I think there would be a jacket here or there that the UU distibuted out.

wait i dont get

thats what i said when i first learned about weaboo's, furries, and bronys

Offline Reaver

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Re: Andrew Vang\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2013, 01:30:20 PM »
The bandanna I can see being looked over, but a hat's bill could be seen pretty easily, even within a suitcase. Although I literally have NO problem with the hat, I just personally don't think a unit would look over it. However, that's just MY opinion.
So, I can support the bandanna, as well as the weapon as long as you detail the measurements of it's retracted and extended forms. As well as it's durability, since a rusted pipe would break after a certain amount of times in use. Especially if your character had trouble extending it in the first place.
If you play with the way you got the hat, I can support that as well.
So, in so few words;
As long as what I requested is done, +support for the bandanna and weapon from me.

Post Auto-Merged: May 11, 2013, 01:34:23 PM
Also, since I'm not sure about the validity of it, although I assume a colder climate would warrant a coat for colder climates..I'll leave that up to Admin discretion. Since personally I'd think City 17's units would take it since it isn't immensely cold there. But if the Administration Team thinks it sounds alright, I can give my support for that as well!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 01:34:23 PM by Reaver »
A Freudian dick is when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended to say

Offline Cat With A Mustache

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Re: Andrew Vang's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2013, 07:10:08 PM »
Boop. Just bumping it, it's been a few days without a reply.

wait i dont get

thats what i said when i first learned about weaboo's, furries, and bronys

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Re: Andrew Vang's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2013, 07:54:27 PM »
Accepted. Locked. Moved.


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