Author Topic: Urim and Thumim's Authorization Application  (Read 3392 times)

Offline Sexy Frog

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Urim and Thumim's Authorization Application
« on: March 22, 2013, 04:47:07 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Sexy Frog
Age: 16
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 2 years

Character Section

Two De-Beaked Normal Headcrabs - One for City and one for Outlands

Name: Urim and Thumim
Age: ???
Gender: N/A
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

** The screen of a monitor clicks on as it reveals a blurry hand adjusting the video feed into a correct angle. From what can be seen, it appears the owner of the hand dons a fresh, white lab coat and the surroundings appear to be relatively high tech with many bizarre instruments and machines. As time passes, the hand leaves the shot and revealing the rather ecstatic gaze of a middle aged woman with her lightly gray tinged hair in a bun, her slightly wrinkled blue eyes darting about her work station pensively. As she confirms that the feed is working she speaks, her tone relatively upbeat even if tinged with an Irish accent. **

“Day 1, February 7th, 2010                        Doctor Wenry McGannis – Level One Priority

The Biological section of Black Mesa has made a great break through as we have poked a small hole into another world entirely! We’ve managed to gain samples and specimens from plant life and minerals but as of yet, nothing else. Hopefully we will find something more…”

** She pauses for a moment as she as she smiles hopefully, crossing fingers on both hands as she brings them up to the camera. The camera promptly goes dark and flits to another recording, her face looking extraordinarily bright as she bares an enormous smile. **

“Day 5, February 11th, 2010                       Doctor Wenry McGannis – Level One Priority

I’ve recently picked the book The Alchemist. I must say, Paulo Coelho is quite the author. His book so far is quite interesting and motivational. He stresses on how when someone really wants something, all the forces of the Universe comes together to help you achieve your destiny. And today, the Universe has done just that. We have found our first live organisms – two no less. The Black Mesa supervisor, Wallace Breen, has ordered them to be sterilized in case of transferring any extra-terrestrial pathogens and are to be enclosed for study. Hopefully this will give us an understanding of what we can expect on this new land. Who knows, maybe there is sentient life on this planet as well.”

** She blinks once before giving the feed a gentle nod and scooting forward, fiddling with the camera before allowing it to click off. The feed revives once more this time showing her in a room with cages about, most of her face covered by a surgical mask and protective goggles. Though her speech seems a bit muffled, she is clearly understandable. **

“Day 23, March 1st, 2010                         Doctor Wenry McGannis – Level One Priority

Since day five, the biological wing has been working out the basic physiology of these creatures. After some brief categorization, we’ve given them the taxonomic name: Xenotherium Limulidae. We’ve been examining them for many days, leaving them in an enclosed housing simulating their natural habitat and observing their interaction with the environment as well as each other. Since first obtaining these two, we’ve captured several others which we have promptly dissected, sparing these two seeing as they are the first and we wish to keep them active. In a professional sense, we keep to naming them by their documented pseudonyms though I personally have taken to calling the larger one Urim and the smaller Thumim. After the two semi-precious stones the old king of Salem gifted to Santiago in The Alchemist. I can think of nothing more fitting as they are the precious treasures of our experiments.

After the dissection we made several notes about a sort of ‘beak’ in the indent of their abdomen region. We assumed it is meant for feeding like that of a Squid or Octopus. Though we are still unsure as we have seen a second opening above the beak which appears to lead to a sort of esophagus like structure. We plan to continue our observations in full.”

 ** The screen clicks off once more before reviving with the woman in pajamas. She now wears glasses as she stares into the camera with her purple night gown loosely on her, though there appear to be dark circles under her eyes and her environment confirms her to still be within the labs.**

“Day 45, March 23rd, 2010                            Doctor Wenry McGannis – Level One Priority-”

**She breaks off as she ends the title with a weary yawn, wiping her eyes and staring back into the screen, her hair a mess. **

“A stressful week it’s proven to be. We finally discovered the use of the beak like structure along one of the subjects’ abdomen is for. And following that, we gained our first on site casualty in over a year. One of the Black Mesa scientists who I wasn’t particularly fond of due to his lack of following protocol and overall moronic nature despite his brilliance was his own undoing. Apparently, the indent of the abdomen is a perfect fit of the craniums of humans and should one gain a grip on the head, the beak is used to bore into the skull and thus kill its prey. Though…disturbingly enough that isn’t all.”

** She pauses, staring down from the camera for a long moment before glancing back up, her tone rather hoarse and weary. **

“It’s like something out of a film. The creature seems to take control of the victims nervous system like some parasites observed in our own terrestrial environments. This making them come back, almost like living dead. Security was forced to enter and dispatch the scientist, but body shots were fruitless. The only reason it was stopped was when a shot pierced the organism atop the man’s head, killing it. Some of the Guards have taken to calling them Headcrabs or as the force clown, Mister Calhoun puts it…his immature definition of these creatures are “Head Humpers”. A fool that one. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s our next facility casualty. Never the less, we have discovered that Urim and Thumim are able to live healthy lives without their beaks and thus we have schedules a de-beaking process for them. I would say it’s quite similar to de-clawing a cat or something of the like.”

** The screen flicks off before turning back on as the woman sits before the camera with a much happier expression, seemingly more rested. **

“Day 80, April 27, 2010                            Doctor Wenry McGannis – Level One Priority

Today is a day to mark all days. We plan on running a critical diagnostic with the Ground Zero chamber today with one of our top physicists, Gordon Freeman in the finally perfected HEV suit. With this test, instead of poking small holes to let life through and such, we plan to open a door to let ourselves into this unknown world to gain an even better understanding. The HEV suit should be ample for Doctor Freeman to survive and work in the world we have taken to officially calling Xen. And by the looks of the video feed…it’s going on as we speak!”

** The woman pauses for a long while as her sight trails to something off screen, watching with a pleased face before her brow furrows. Almost immediately afterwards, a loud boom can be heard as machines and light fixtures shatter, pieces of room and wall come crashing down and windows can be seen shattering. Doctor McGannis shrieks in fear as the camera falls of the desk, hanging loosely above the floor as it catches glimpses of what is going on as is spins on its cord. Men and women in security attire and lab coats can be seen flitting to and fro as explosions riddle the background, drowning out the startled hollers and shrieks. The camera suddenly flips off into static. Suddenly the woman can be seen once more, seemingly a bit older and in an entirely new environment, the safety of Black Mesa clearly no longer about as sketchy, rigged pieces of technology dot the background of her surroundings. She appears to be in a blue jumpsuit. **

“Day 805, September 9th, 2016                   Wenry McGannis

It’s been a long time since I had enough technology to even consider doing a video log. Where to begin…”

** She pauses for a moment as she grips her chin in between her thumb and index finger pensively. Nodding before staring back into the camera, her gaze rather solemn. **

“The Ground Zero experiment with Gordon Freeman was a failure. He was presumed dead. Shortly after, the military swarmed Black Mesa and began to purge it, placing it under Military control. The bastards killed many of my peers and made an arse of the ones they didn’t. I only survived by hiding inside of a ventilation shaft that had broken open slightly and keeping as quiet as I could. Eventually I managed to escape, but it wasn’t easy. Especially since I was taking both Urim and Thumim with me. The military would have likely had them decommissioned and I couldn’t have that. We’ve learned so much from them and there is much more to be learned, so I took them in one of the cat carriers and took them with me. The New Mexico desert is a cruel place indeed. After several years of hiding, fearing that I would be among the top of the governments hit list due to my high standing in Black Mesa it came down to 2015.”

** The stares down for a long moment before bringing her hands to her face, covering her eyes and speaking in a depressed tone. **

“We made a mistake. The biggest mistake of human history. We didn’t know what we were getting ourselves into, we were fools! That rip we made at Ground Zero didn’t make a door like we wanted…it made a damned fissure! We wondered if there was sentient life. Well we found out and they poured in. Later named the Universal Union, they invaded and decimated humanity in as little as seven hours. They forced us into surrender. Low and behold, that bastard Wallace – ex-Administrator at Black Mesa is now the Administrative Representative of Earth, licking the boot of the Union. Meanwhile I’ve taken up my station in the midway point between City 17 and the Coast in an abandoned Marina. The docks are mostly destroyed and it has a nice secret basement which has kept me safe from the occasional Combine patrol. I’ve met the so called ‘rebellion’ only to find out that they aren’t all they’re cracked up to be and I want no part of them either. So here I am with my assistant. I met her during my escape from the City, her name is Ivyalis. Sweet girl, even if a bit scatter brained.”

** A sudden voice can be heard in the background as a blur of brown, frizzy hair can be seen popping from another room into the view of the camera, her cheeks puffed out resentfully. “I’m not scatter brained!” Doctor McGannis rolls her eyes slightly before turning around. **

“Of course you’re not.”

**The feed flicks off. It suddenly flips back once more and captures a first person perspective of someone running. Hoarse panting can be heard as the camera jerks back and forth and a shriek can be heard in the background. The camera stills for a moment as it catches the glimpse of the Frizzy haired Ivyalis flinging forward as almost a dozen robin’s egg colored projectiles can be seen protruding from her back, glowing as they let out loud sirens that escalate in frequency. There is a series of bursts as the camera picks up a mostly blown apart corpse and red splattered about before a close up cry of despair can he heard. The jerking movements can be seen again as it runs towards the corpse. **

“Ivy! Oh god, Ivy!”

** A few far off screeches can be heard that don’t seem human are picked up by the feed as the camera drops slightly and revealing a small, metal cat carrier beside the corpse. Ivyalis likely having been carrying it. Terrified squeaks can be heard coming from within the carrier. As the running starts up again, the carrier can be seen firmly in the runners grasp and the blundering of trotting can be heard growing louder behind. The runner’s voice matches Doctor McGannis as she lets out a terrified sob, skidding to a halt and the camera falls from her grasp. It goes to static several times as it appears to be dropping before landing with a loud thud, faintly transmitting the scene going on above. Doctor McGannis can be seen at the edge of a high up cliff with a shiny blue creature towering over her, the cat carrier at her side.

In a single movement she moves to skitter backwards and accidently bumps into the carrier, sending it bouncing down the cliff. At that instant, the creature can be seen lunging forward with a pair of claw like structures jerking out. Her grunt of pain can be barely picked up by the audio as the creature backs up slightly, letting the claws slide from her chest as Wenry stands there for a moment at the edge. She whimpers something inaudible before her legs give out and she tumbles down the cliff, landing off screen with a sickening crack. The force of her landing causes the camera to jerk to the right on its side, showing the cat carrier’s metal mesh opening having broken open and two Headcrabs filing out and trudging away with oblivious squeaks before the feed finally dies into static. **

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
~ RP as something I have never explored
~ Slim/Small build allows for easy stealth
~ Possibly not to be killed on sight
~ Less Hostile/More Docile

~ Unable to 'zombify' people
~ Likely a kill on sight for some
~ Possible capture?
~ Less of a threat to most
~ Bound mostly to P3/Sewers to avoid capture/death

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
With these perks and defects I plan to RP with certain people. Being as unlike antlions or zombies, Headcrabs are not event only characters, this allows me to be able to flag onto my character freely and RP with citizens, units, vortigaunts and refugees alike. Being mostly bound to P3 on the City headcrab which will likely be Thumim, I want to skitter about and interact with citizens and try to liven it up and give people more a of a reason to not always be on their units. If I can, I could even try and 'couple' with their heads just for the sake of RP and to scare them. Being as my headcrabs would be de-beaked, they are likely to be more accepting of a 'pet' mentality.

However, seeing as they are indeed headcrabs and not many are likely to know that they are de-beaked, they would possibly be a target for killing. The CCA as well as Outlands refugees would possibly make it a mission to hunt down and end my characters should they become too obvious and such.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 06:55:05 PM by Sexy Frog »

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Urim and Thumim's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2013, 12:49:47 PM »
An interesting read I must say. It looks really good Sexy Frog.

It doesn't really trail into nonsense and it keeps on track, also it stays close to HL canon which is awesome.

My only question is how did the two get de-beaked.

But still. I'll give my +support because I know you can handle this.

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Urim and Thumim's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2013, 07:15:48 PM »
There was no specific process mentioned in HL2 about how Lamarr was de-beaked, thus I left it vague. But in one of the video logs I described it as "The de-clawing of a cat".

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Urim and Thumim's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2013, 10:00:42 PM »
There was no specific process mentioned in HL2 about how Lamarr was de-beaked, thus I left it vague. But in one of the video logs I described it as "The de-clawing of a cat".

Ah, good reasoning. Thank you for the clarification.

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: Urim and Thumim's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2013, 10:35:00 PM »
Seems well enough to me. + support.

Offline Khub

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Re: Urim and Thumim's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2013, 07:58:24 AM »
Nice application. You've got my support as well.

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Urim and Thumim's Authorization Application
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2013, 10:05:14 PM »
Two Super Admin supports and a Basic Admin support. It's been a while.

Don't want to push it though, however it's been quite some time.

>No matter what happens, no matter how old I get.
>I'll never forget...
>Fats Mcgee. And his Retard Three.

Offline jonco

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Re: Urim and Thumim's Authorization Application
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2013, 12:09:13 AM »
Going to go ahead and accept this as three Super Admins support this. Ask an SA in game for a model change.


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