Author Topic: One-Eighty-Two ; Video Logs  (Read 1412 times)

Offline BltElite

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One-Eighty-Two ; Video Logs
« on: October 28, 2012, 05:06:18 PM »
UNIT: 182
CLEARANCE: Divisional Leader

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A light flickers on, revealing a tall standing Divsional Leader in the standard red garments, less the faceplate, showing off a full face of stubble and short, black hair and a blue eye, the other being cybernetic. The room is high within a nexus, the unit having his own office seemingly.
He sighs, before placing his pulse rifle down, talking to the camera.

"Divsional Leader One-Eighty-Two, City 36, Leading LEGION divsion. We were out on our standard fieldcraft exercises, and organised cults are floating around. So I twisted the exercise as with the Commanders instructions from the daily report to destroy them. It went well, so he decided to come out and give a little praise and see us at work. Then it happened. It was a huge ambush - death, destruction. I managed to zip in with a squad as I realised what was about to happen and grabbed the commander back to our OP, pulling in as much support as I could into our well defended position. Holding out was different to the norm, but we did and pushed them back, mercilessly killing them, a big number of them by myself and some by the Commander. We moved back to the city to find riots had coincided with the attacks to keep us away, and the riots were winning. District 6 was down and we reinforced the nexus. Luckily, I had my men organised into squads from the exercise, so just sent them out, with backup support of Overwatch in strategic positions. It was carnage. For them anyway, we made progress and ended up slowly pushing them back, though we rarely venture to district 6 now, its still a hell hole but we control it now. After that, it all settled back into the normal routine, till a what seemed routined message popped into my database, though im unsure of it. It reminds me of an old unit from an old city, I wonder if he's still there, I mean, my original job here was to sort out city thirty-six then return to forty-five but, I have no idea who is at fortyfive anymore, it could be randomers for all I know and they'd probably run it from me due to my, differentness and longevity. Heh, we shall see eh? I've sent a message back to see what its like there, might move, who knows."

The unit grabs a mug, full of coffee, sipping it, looking to the camera, contemplating before turning the camera off.

Post Auto-Merged: October 29, 2012, 06:09:44 AM
UNIT: 182
CLEARANCE: Divisional Leader

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The light flickers on again, this time in a different place in the office, overlooking a window which shows out onto a colossal city, smoke rising from places in the distance. His mask is off again, and he is leaning in his chair, boots on the side of the desk and a mug in his hand. He stares at the camera for about 30 seconds, before talking:

"The city is starting to swell up again like the revolt a few weeks ago. Its little things, but i'm watching it closely, A high command meeting earlier ago has shown a divide within high command, with me being shown on the outside of it, everybody calling me too watchful and such, though funnily enough I have more experience than every unit within that meeting, and i've been a divisional leader longer than all of the others by about an extra year or so. I know signs, and that's why i'm leading the ground combat division, not them. Things are changing, and in some ways not for the good. I've got feelers out through some sources on the ground of freindly oh-fours with some loyalists to find out whats going on discreetly, and i'm slowly upping patrols through certain areas and choke points. I'm not having a full scale revolt happening when i'm the one who's here to stop it."

He finishes his coffee off, before looking out to the city, after another minute he turns the camera off..

Post Auto-Merged: October 29, 2012, 07:20:33 AM
UNIT: 182
CLEARANCE: Divisional Leader

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The camera turns on, showing the office again, with the same window as before, though a fire can be seen in the distance, and there is more smoke as the unit sits down in his chair, strain etched across his face and significantly more stubble than before.

"As I have said, its getting worse, the signs are all clear, yet nobody wants to listen to me, its as if im the boy who cried wolf yet im actually crying wolf, and never have done before. Its annoying me, and I know what will happen. I'm stockpiling rations for the nexus and weaponry and ammunition in certain points that only I and another Commander whom is sympathetic with me know. Its getting ridiclious, were about to lose district 6 again to the attacks, as they're armed and I have my hands tied behind my back because of the sectorial commander. There's something wrong here, and me and 26910 can't do shit all over it."

The unit scratches his stubble, before reaching forwards and turning the camera off.

Post Auto-Merged: October 29, 2012, 10:14:16 AM
UNIT: 182
CLEARANCE: Divisional Leader

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The camera turns on, the same place, though there are documents and weaponry strewn about, and it is a lot more untidy, with more smoke and fires about in what would presumably be district 6.

"We've lost district six, and all due to how idiotic the other high command members are. Its me, 26910 and my officers agaisnt the rebels at the minute, its almost as if they're su-... supporting them. Shit. Great, I need to find some other high command to contact, to sort this mess out. The closest city is Twenty-Seven.. God damnit."

He picks up a radio, calling for what can be heard to be a UED unit.

"I need to sort this mess out, and It needs sorting fast before we lose all of this city. I'm getting OTA contacted and standby, im getting razor trains on standby. I don't care anymore, but somethings fucked up in this place."

He gets up, saluting a unit in strange markings before the camera shuts off.

Post Auto-Merged: October 29, 2012, 02:19:57 PM
UNIT: 182
CLEARANCE: Divisional Leader

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The camera turns on, a different place this time, a different office. He is sat in a chair, his infamous mug in his hand again, his scar visible on his right cheek. A window is here, showing the main plaza of the city. Theres debris strewn about and CCA units are out in force.

"Its getting worse. Luckily, seems as though i've got people turned into my favour. New office though, as its got some new tech and funnily enough a command map hologram thingy that GEAR created. Useful for me an 26910 to plan everything out, and we are holding out well, though the enemy are slowly pushing us back as we still have problems within the high command. I've requested for a transfer back to city 45, though."

He gets up, putting his mug down and turning the camera off..
« Last Edit: October 29, 2012, 02:19:57 PM by Blt »


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