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Backup Sections => Half-Life 2 Roleplay => Archive => HL2RP Development[ARCHIVE] => IC Chat => Topic started by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on May 15, 2011, 08:45:28 AM

Title: <::||01.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on May 15, 2011, 08:45:28 AM
                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RCT
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New Log Started: 001
Text: Well I got in to CCA and I guess I should keep logs now.
I got my basic training done just minutes after getting in one Unit(Forgot his name) didn't get his before he went out on the streets Interesting. After basic I went out in to the plaza it looks strange behind the mask I detained a female for level three contraband(Just some food.) other than that really nothing happened to day.

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Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on May 16, 2011, 10:37:26 AM
                                                   Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RCT
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New Log Started: 002 (Number goes up by one in each log)
Text: Day two interesting day to say the least, I got Fire arm training and I must say I kinda like shooting it was my first time. After that I hit the plaza and not much then I went in to nexus to find that 192 was 'Dealing' with a citizen. I don't know what she did to make 192 mad but MAN he was. Once he got in to the 'Treatment' area I watched while 192 carried it out. First he took a pen knife to her face then the noise then to finish it all he got me to get him a cloth and had her clean herself up then blind fold herself Then he broke her leg made it bend backwards then started beating the leg with his baton after all that he threw her in her cell to rot.

I don't know what she did I am scared out of my mind about him I had to stop him from beating her to hard I was scared that she would end up dead and he would end up getting punished.

After that it got a bit quite I haven't really seen to many people besides us Croots( I think thats what the higher ups call us).

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Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on May 18, 2011, 10:59:51 AM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RCT
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New Log Started: 003
Text: The last few days where interesting. Two days ago some one tried to flirt with me and I just stared at him and told him to get to the wall and detained him. When we get to detainment I process him and everything and when I tell him to get in the cell he says "OK my fair lady" at which point he gets beaten by the other officer in till he started calling me Ma'am. Then after that I went to the shooting range with the other officer to get refilled and get some time putting bullets down range. After that I got him out due to his time being up and in a few minutes I had to detain the same guy for some one else that I can't remember.
When I let him out he punched me twice in the gut then started running I pull my sidearm ready to amputate but right when I get it have way up 747 amputates down by S6 entrance so I go down there and look at the body just staring at the man that attacked me just a few seconds ago and... I felt bad that he had died.. I pulled my gun knowing I was about to take a life and I felt bad just looking at him.

After that I was in the nexus and I was thinking: I pulled 192 off of a citizen just a day before and I said that I didn't want him to end up being punished because he went to far but maybe it was that I felt bad for the citizen that I didn't know what she did to get 192 that mad but.... When he was taking the pen knife to her face and her noise I didn't feel any thing but when she was on the ground being beaten I just I couldn't stand the fact that she might die. When I put my self up for CCA I knew then and there that one day I was going to have to amputate but if I can't get my gun up and amputate some one whose running how am I going to defend my self if I ever come in to a firefight.
I spent the whole day yesterday thinking about that and I can NEVER let some thing like that effect me again. If I have to amputate I will with out an issue because its what they should get. They don't respect us they don't fear us that man proved that to me. I will make them fear us.

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Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on May 19, 2011, 10:34:45 AM
                                                    Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RCT
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New Log Started: 004 (Number goes up by one in each log)

Text:  Today was... Interesting to say the lest I'll start it off with some thing that changed my life today: A man walks up to me and starts shouting so I flick on my stun baton and he comes up to me and attacks me.
I however was thought something was going to happen along those lines I quickly reached for my pistol and got it out of the holster and....... I fired off a round to try to get him at lest away from me I didn't even have it lined up but I got lucky the round hit his head and amputated him he just fell to the ground I just stared at him for what felt like years but it was more like a few seconds because a other officer came out of nexus trying to figure out what happened. At that moment it changed my life forever I just did my first amputation and I had an issue with it this isn't how a CCA officer should act I got rid of the body and carried on.

It wasn't till later that day I detained some one for shouting and turns out... He had a metal defect and that amputation so we get him out of his cell and go to the furnace and he asked some thing that broke my heart "Will this make the voices stop?" Me and the 02 that was overseeing this at the same time said "Yes" so he went in and when I came around to the front the 02(God help me I forgot his digits) told me to amputate I stared at him and said the only thing I could "Yes, SIR." I go up to the button and the man says " HELLO? Is any one out there? This room isn't working the voices are getting louder! HELP ME THEY ARE SHOUTING!" then he started running around hitting every wall in the room then... I hit the button and ended his life.

After that I I felt like I could stand amputations Shortly after EVERYONE woke up and started messing about.

Three citizens went on the Overwatch watchtower and one RCT went up to amputate(Our order from a DvL) Mean time I just fired on him from the nexus airlock he fell off before the RCT could get up there and he radioed in "I come up to amputate the citizen just to find it empty and a dead body of the ground....." at which point I started to chuckle. I got so many calls that day I couldn't list them all.

I also got two more trainings yesterday I got the radio codes and Etiquette Then the reaction test I didn't there was a test for it intill he tossed a flashbang in the class room from the button room I dove for the closest cover. He said that my reaction time was good but my chose of cover was not. After that I felt like I needed my pants changed.

At the end of the day things heated up. Two units went down and I heard shotgun sounds close to S6 entrance I rush up there gun drawn to see a RAZOR unit firing in to S6 and a dead unit at the entrance the RAZOR unit came up and started yelling "I WANT TWO OR MORE UNITS AT THE ENTRANCE GUARDING IT AT ALL TIMES OR SOME ONE IS GOING TO PAY YOU GOT THAT" So me and three other units started guarding it. While we where there radio started getting reports about the SeC being down and getting him in to surgery I don't know the outcome or what happened I hope hes OK I don't want to know what happens if the SeC gets killed.

After that event I went off duty I think I have to keep this log up to date to ease my mind.

A new day waits.

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Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on May 19, 2011, 11:44:07 PM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RCT
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New Log Started: 005
Text: So only a few things happened today. Some one called me "Hot sexy thing" so I detained the fool.

Then I helped 399 with a surgery all I did was held the mans head back while he worked on the man's eye well where the eye should be he had a fake one. Then for some reason 707 I think it was walked in the man said some thing and 707 decided to run a check on the mans CID and it turns out he had 10 points so 707 went in to the control room and yelled at us if we wanted to keep our heads to get out of the way then 399 and I tried to help the guy with any thing we could do that he shouldn't get amputated(Or at lest 399 did) and it didn't work and 707 amputated the man.

After that I got breaching training with 013 713 and a 04, 040.
Just to start off 713 just acts like hes retarded and 013 wasn't any better heres how it started off.
We get on the first door and every thing goes good I was breacher 040 was leader and the two others where point-men I do my part PERFECTLY then the point-men enter and just shoot every red melon in sight not fallowing any thing clear left clear right nothing I come in and said all clear and 040 didn't confirm... then we stack up on the second door to the right.... Thats when stuff started to get bad I got stacked up with out an issue then 713 tries to push my out of the way and stay on my side of the door(Wrong side) and once 040 got him in line we breach the door and clear it there was only one or more targets and it was kinda like this till the last room. They had a dummy in the last room that shot back and 040 who had done it before didn't know or didn't know it opened doors so. We get stacked up and 040s about to get on when the door opens I try to slam it shut thinking one of the other units opened the door but instead I meat a dummy robot carrying a MP7 and he shoots 040 who gets in to cover fast I jump out and he and I open fire I got hit a few times but I had Kevlar so by some how(Maybe bad bullets?) I was unharmed and I took the dummy down with no issues and we stacked up expecting more but there was nothing there.

We found all of the contraband but took some time getting it and 040 and I exchanged blows about how our uniforms looked then I found out that my mask was damaged so I asked 145 for a new one and he got me it.

After that I took to the streets and a while later I was with 192 at a hard-point close to the CWU H-Q and after a bit a woman walks to us tied up. I get her to the wall and ask what was going on she said that she was tied up by some man in the train-station so I ask her to apply and then ask around and found out she was a runner and I was to take her to detainment. But before I did I decided to do a pat down and found a bandage level two contraband for none CWU members so I took her to detainment once we got there I did the paper work and then ran he CID in the data base and turns outs she was a confirmed resistance member and had 10 or more points so I call it in and 707 comes in tells me to take her to the torture room and while he did some thing I do and find a other unit with a man so I decide to go to interrogation to figure out what I was suppose to do then when I walk out the door 707 told me to get her and get to torture so I did and I transported the man to a cell and locked it and made my way back to torture quickly and she gets in the chair and 707 said a few things like how she was scum and should never had considered her self human.... Then he saids get ready to be amputated... The last thing she said was "ALL I HAD WAS A BANDAGE" and she died........

After that I went back on the streets it was getting late so I turned in for the rest of the day.

Now I only have a training I can do for the time being and its formation training. The agility room's roof fell in and GEAR had to fix it so I am up a creek about finishing.

192 said that he was just needing to wait off the black mark and he was home free for 04 it looks like I will be close behind him.

Any way thats it for this log after the other day I am having less and less of an issue with amputation but I keep feeling like some thing leaving me every time I see it even my first time I felt like I saw it before but I don't remember ever seeing it. 

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Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on May 22, 2011, 11:19:47 PM
                                                    Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RCT
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New Log Started: 006

Text: OK a interesting day I got my agility training(They RP'ed that the room had not fallen in yet.) 145 did the training I got a second off of her time.

While I was doing that I found I had issues breathing so I reported it to a NOVA officer 399 turns out when I was shot in breaching training it broke one of my ribs so I was in bed for most of the day I got to talk with one unit who got shot in the arm with a buckshot I had responded to his 11-99 when he called it.

Man that was fun we compared us first days on the job(His was more interesting) and then we got on the subject of amputations we did. But I don't like to talk about that so.....

He told me that hes been blown up fallen from the overwatch tower ladder and had been shot TWICE and hes Newer to the CCA than me And I was wondering. How the crap did I miss all of this? Must have been in stasis.
When 399 told me about the broken rib she said that I had to stay in bed for a day I managed to get a little patrol time while trying to figure out when the next formation training would be( // The server crashed and the SeC was on and I didn't want to go up there just to find the props gone and the SeC staring at me.)
I didn't really have a lot of issues while patrolling mainly because of the pain pills I took before.

I didn't stay out too long and spent the rest of the day and this day in bed.

And thats about it I had fun with that unit and for the first time in a few days I got to take my uniform off(For the x-rays) other than that really nothing to log.

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Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on May 23, 2011, 11:13:31 PM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 04
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 007

Text: Well today was a good day I got formation training and got in to APEX as one of their new 04s.

I was kinda unsure about joining APEX I kinda wanted to join NOVA but then I found out that NOVA has more units in it than APEX and APEX is suppose to be the brunt of the force.
I did some patrols did two things of rations today detained a few citizens one of them a RAZOR unit told me to take care of because of PDA and he told to to detain for one cycle. I come back after that time to find the RAZOR unit beaten the woman to the ground and was carrying her out......

Then 145 called the moment I have been waiting for, She called the Croots down to the spare room for formation training. I passed and then talked to 707( A.DvL of APEX) and I got moved to APEX as an 04.
When I got the promotion I was overjoyed I know thats not how a officer should act but still.
A bit before that I found that unit I was with in the med-bay 537 was his digits interesting person.
At one point I stopped a man that was running around turns out he was looking for some one to give news to about a few dead "Love ones" and crap like how 537 joined the CCA which I think is a load of because 537 I think was in it before me.

One thing I forgot to log from when I was bed ridden was that I found 537 " Checking" me out and I had JUST detained a citizen for some crap like that and I didn't think to much of it so I told him if he ever did that again I would have his balled riped off. After that he started treating me nice maybe hes trying to get on my good side... God I hope not but when I got 04 he started going on because 013 got it closely after me and he started going on about how he was in longer than he told me some thing that I really think that 913 should have known. He sexually assaulted a woman! I sorry I won't stand for that if I find out hes does any thing like that again I am going to make sure EVERYONE gets a ear full some one like that shouldn't be an officer I don't know if its true or not but if it is I have little to no respect for him(And I had VERY little after breaching training)

After I got 04 and moved in to APEX there wasn't really any thing going on any more so I turned in to stasis.

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Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: ??. McBullet on May 23, 2011, 11:24:16 PM
// ICly all DvL+ can read the above story about 013 sexually assaulting someone. Logs aren't private to higher command.
Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: ???????£??Rose Nocturna??? on May 23, 2011, 11:30:42 PM
IC: 013, you are to report to 913 as soon as possible.  OOC:  You are about to be fucked.
Title: Re: <::||04.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on May 25, 2011, 12:04:40 PM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 04
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New Log Started: 008

Text: Yesterday was not really eventful. 182 had me interrogate a citizen that according to 176 committed a UPA and she wouldn't own up to it so we took her to transit and use the "Chair" she ended up dead....

Then shortly after we had a citizen report that she found a woman that claimed she had ties to The Resistance. So we took her to transit and 182 let me supervise 176 then left... I don't know if this is how its suppose to go or not... But I was using the "Chair" when I felt needed she didn't end up dead but a minute in I saw 145 at the door way and I said "OH........ Here we go again..." this time I was told to use it and all so there wasn't an issue... She ended up not knowing any thing important and she ended up detained..

After that there wasn't really much to report.... I am kinda liking APEX.

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Title: Re: <::||04.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on May 27, 2011, 09:51:56 AM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 04
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 09
Text: Today was fairly interesting There was a few things of interest: I helped out on a search of CCH, I detained some one who couldn't remember his name, and I amputated a man.

Lets start with the search of CCH.

I was detaining a man who couldn't remember his name(I left him with a NOVA officer to make sure he wasn't a metal defect) And I went to CCH I tied up a woman who was already in the lobby a man came down looked at me I told him to get to the wall (I had my pistol out already I deemed it needed after a raid I saw before I joined) And he took off running I managed to get 2 shots in to him then he got up a floor and I amputated him. After that a few units found a ton of radios. And that was kinda it for the raid a few other officers stayed with the citizens in the lobby.

OK the man who forgot his name.

I detained him for god knows what and he wouldn't give me his right name first he gave me a fake name, then the name of a man they were about to amputate across the room them I just left him with the NOVA officer... Who didn't tell me any thing after he got done......

OH AND I FORGOT I tortured a citizen today he was speaking of the rebels and he wouldn't tell me what he said in till I got him in the chair(with 145s permission to do all of this) And then took a knife to his balls he started talking but I knew they where lies the man who reported it only gave a few words in the end I got 713 to find the man who reported it and I cut the other mans balls off(145 agreed to do this) then 713 told me he found the man and I told him to bring him to interrogation after he got him there I said "You reported a man who was speaking of The Resistance what did he say?" he told me that he couldn't remember so I threw the mans balls on the table and said "I suggest you tell me if you don't want to end up like him" and then he remember and told me what he said down to the letter in the end we got info about Heavy activity in S6 apartments He got a little detainment time(I patched him up the best I could so he does't bleed to death before I got any info) and when he got out I made him watch as I burned what was left of his manhood in the furnace....
That was the high light of my day I heard some one puke when I told the man who reported it about the balls and I wasn't too sure who it was but I am quite sure that it wasn't any one over the rank of 04.

Then I hit the streets and I was patrolling with a RAZOR officer and him and I turned around and saw that the gate for the S6 hardpoint was on we rushed there and we couldn't find any one and after it got turned on again we found him. One of the officers(164 I think) beat him down and we put him in the furnace after asking him some info and any last words I amputated.

That was kinda it for my day eventful the torture took like half of the day cause the man almost passed out from blood lost. When the units find out about this(713 watched) I think I will get a bit more respect.

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Title: Re: <::||04.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on June 01, 2011, 09:47:01 AM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 04
                                         Enter Password: ******************
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New Log Started: 010

Text: The last few days were... Interesting I won't log every thing I did because I can't remember it all.
One of two days ago I responded to a call of a man attacking a woman in CCH when I got there the woman rushed out and got me to go after the man.. We ended up going different ways because I get on one floor to see the man stab the woman and I go after gun drawn he heads down to the lobby I stop and call NOVA to get this woman. One unit stopped the man and I walk up to him gun drawn wishing I could end his life for what he did to the woman. I get him to detainment and he starts saying stuff like how he knows info that we need to know... So I ask over radio about taking him to interrogation and a DvL told me I could so I did.
The moment his but reached that chair he started singing every thing he know I never even had to bring up my baton or ask any thing.

I called for about ten minutes for SOME ONE HIGHER THAN A 03 at lest to come down and 468 and a DvL did. 468 asked every and the man said every thing. We got numbers where they base how to get to their base how much they are armed he gave us all the info we needed in my mind to auth a raid.

Then today I detained a man for trying to enter S6 SAME STORY he said he had info on the rebels I got told to take him to interrogation he started telling me every thing and I requested a higher ranking and got 040.
Then the man started puking..... All over me and the floor. So I request a NOVA unit which 527 entered saw all the blood and vomit mixture and said "Hes fine" And walked out.. Oh I was mad his reasoning was that he just got promoted to an 01 and he was waiting for his shotgun....... At that moment I felt like shoving my stun baton up his..... Any way he tells he to check for a pulse and breathing. So I did(I had seen a other unit do it before)and the pulse was weak and his breathing was fine.. Besides him puking on me...... Then I take him to medbay and like a minute later 527 comes up then gives the man some gel and 509 comes up and tells us to get him some food. Once 527 left and it was only me and 509 I gave him a earful.

527 Suggested we amputate the man but I yelled "NO HE HAS INFO THAT SOME ONE HIGHER THAN YOU NEEDS TO KNOW" I was about to say smarter too I was getting sick of him at that point I already told me over the radio WHY we needed to treat him. At the end of the day I gave him to 913.

And after all of this(But before 913 got the man) I joined a new Croot at S6HEP and a man stumbled out of nexus and fell to the ground from what he said he was having a heart attack so I called a NOVA unit and 894 or some thing came and told us to get him to the medbay ASAP so I did he JUST wasn't ready for us I got him on the table and I could not tie the man because I didn't want him to die because of that so I stood guard during the surgery and we released him(I tied him before taking him out of nexus). And after that I went in to stasis.

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Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: YankeeSamurai on June 01, 2011, 10:32:57 AM
// btw, the abbreviation for hardpoint isn't "HEP," it's "HAP."
Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on June 01, 2011, 10:34:31 AM
// btw, the abbreviation for hardpoint isn't "HEP," it's "HAP."
// 913 was calling it HEP
Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: YankeeSamurai on June 01, 2011, 10:35:40 AM
// 913 is wrong, but it's really not anyone's fault. The terminology page is full of typos.
Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: lemonshit on June 01, 2011, 03:09:32 PM
// Very nice. I enjoy reading your logs :) Continue
Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on June 03, 2011, 09:44:02 AM
                                                   Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 04
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New Log Started: 011
Text:  I really need to stay on top of these logs....
The last few days where kinda interesting.. One thing I didn't log before was that we got a call from shop at dorindas(If thats how its spelled) it was that some one came out of a hidden tunnel and was attacking some one in here so I responded lethal out not knowing what weapon he had if any. When I got there a man was on the ground I was the first unit there and he picks up a limp body and uses it as a shield I couldn't get a clear shot but I waited and bingo he drops the body and jumps over the counter after opening the door and I took the shot...... It hit him in the neck I had hardly any time to line up........... He choked on his own blood and fell to the ground even if a NOVA unit was called he wouldn't have been saved..... I took the shot because I didn't want to risk losing an Anti-citizen in the tunnels that I don't know how they work or what.

After that I made sure that the shop owners moved away from there.

Today I got on patrol not much I think COTA raided S6 maybe related to the interrogations? I don't know I hope they killed the rebel scum.

And fell off the stupid ladder for the Watchtower I don't know how many times I've been up and down that thing NEVER FELL OFF IT but then today comes along so I limp back to medbay and I think it was 713 Treated me I didn't break my legs but MAN it hurt.

Other than that not really much happened....

When I see an amputation or do one(the man in the shops) I hardly feel any thing now I know thats possible for the best but..... I feel some thing leave me I don't know what really is happening but I am not enjoying it.

One last thing: I swear I think the DvLs and crap think I am retarded or some thing because when I request a ranking officer to detainment it takes me HOURS to get one Like today I was detaining some one for some thing they did at rations it took 973 to come in to get him to respond to me.

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Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on June 07, 2011, 10:21:38 AM
                                                Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 03
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New Log Started: 012

Text: I didn't log really much because nothing interesting has happened.
But today I got promoted to 03 and got issued a MP7 and Heaver body armor.
I have not been enjoying the new Recruits quite frankly I always see one guarding S6 HAP and they don't have a fire arm... So what if a rebel decides he has to get in/out with force? 

I got MP7 training from 182 just a few hours before I got 03 so I kinda enjoyed that and I am happy that I know HOW my weapon works and how it shoots.

One thing is that I have NEVER seen a APEX 02... Where the heck are they?

I hardly if ever see 707 or any higher command units hopefully 040 will get promoted because we need a higher command unit and he was in APEX before I join the CCA I think........

I don't know what else to log.....

OH YEAH: I patrolling and a woman came by and ask to see the highest ranking officer so I told her to apply and and I ran the info and she was a spy for the Union and I gave to her 602.

Then I was doing rations and I was ordered to give her two rations.......

I don't know what is going on but I don't want to know.

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Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: chunkeymonkey79 on June 07, 2011, 10:57:04 AM
// Unit 040 here. i can has DvL lol jk

Anyway, I'm an 02 nao so I guess I'm basically the field commander of APEX if no higher APEX get on and take over, since I think Argas is inactive, IDK.
Title: Re: <::||RCT.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: BltElite on June 11, 2011, 03:58:50 AM
// Im going to try and get on more but im having exams so i can't get on as much as i would like.
Title: Re: <::||01.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on July 02, 2011, 12:40:39 AM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 01
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New Log Started: 013

Text: Its been a long time since I've done one of these... And A LOT has happened since I went in to longish term stasis.

Firstly I was promoted to 02 some time in the middle of my term... Interesting.
Then I was promoted to 01 after getting a refresher on breaching from my new DvL 182.
I don't know what happened to the old DvL or OfC but they are gone.....
040 is now the OfC I think its a rank that suits him well.
Now back to whats happened since I came out.

I can't remember a whole lot but.....

One day we detained a group of anti-citizens trying to leave D2(Two anti-citizens) this was when I was an 02 so I get orders to find out what they know.

The first man was hard to crack I did every bit of torture in my book but he wouldn't break but when I said some thing about his friend he went on the defense I knew then what to do.
I came out with the first one and 182 was with the other one and I figured "Oh this can't be good" next thing I know 182 is telling me to amputate him(Was going to have to do it anyway) so I take him and his other friend to "Treatment" and bring my gun up on the second one(The one that 182 told me to amputate) and the first one starts to tell me every thing he knew thinking he would save his friend.....
When he finished they looked each other in the eye and I gunned one down him looking him in the eyes.... He yelled at me so I turned my gun to him and I said any last request he said some thing I don't want to log so I amputated him.

They were hiding an other Anti-citizen from a raid and we got his name and found him a few minutes after I amputated them. I brought him in and he just started talking and I found out that they were the last of their "Gang" and I amputated him and a feeling came to my heart like I did some thing important.

Next was a very bad string of events.

An anti-citizen had raided our armory due to some one leaving it unlocked and started dropping weapons from the catwalks and anti-citizens were getting guns and loyalist where grabbing them so the anti-citizens couldn't it was a nightmare....

Then a few hours later we start taking fire from the catwalks we search up there and all didn't find any one...

For the whole day some anti-citizen was taking shots at us all day from the catwalks in till an other unit shot him.

After all of this High command acted.

They did a MASSIVE sweep of the whole city I was in charge of the sweep of UCH and Train station both went well but in the middle of the sweep of UCH an 11-99 went out OTA was inbound to help poor 648 but.... He was shot and injured we didn't find the person but when we do I will personalty make him die of bleed out from me cutting off ALL of his figures and toes and if he dies I will have a NOVA unit do what he can to bring him back so he can suffer more.

After that nothing that I really remember I meet a recruit, 280 reminds me of my self when I was a recruit.

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Title: Re: <::||01.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: Pielolz on July 16, 2011, 01:05:26 PM
// Off World is a bitch. Nice logs, keep them coming
Title: Re: <::||01.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on July 16, 2011, 01:10:30 PM
// Off World is a bitch. Nice logs, keep them coming
// Thanks going to make one when I get back from work today.
// I like to see comments and that shit here.
Title: Re: <::||01.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on July 16, 2011, 06:03:20 PM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: Rank
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New Log Started: 014

Text: Alright so here it goes.(I don't/cant remember the dates/how long ago this was)

So one day I get up from stasis they are doing rations... They don't need any help and I go 10-50 and then I get a 11-99 from there and I run back and there is a citizen with a flagged file so out of no were we find a TON of contraband: Drugs, spraypaint, medical supply's, and a shotgun. and while we are trying to deal with the contraband he some how gets out of our grip and makes a run for it I get a shot but the unit that I was detaining with (160 or 280 I Don't remember) got in the way of my shot so we chase after me trying to get a shot and I never get one because the unit blocked the door way not allowing me to chase the 647E.
Needless to say I felt like shooting the unit.... Later I talked with 040 about black marking that unit for what he did. 040 didn't black mark him but gave him a VERY bad warning.
After that because it was at a ration cycle we had his name and CID so I pulled his file and added to detain/amputate on sight. Not even a week later the 647E turned him self in I was in a cell with him the unit that detained didn't tie him the 647E got in my face I pointed my shotgun at him taking aim and he was going on " COME ON SHOOT ME" and 040 saw what I was about to do and yelled " 155 DON'T YOU DARE SHOOT ME" and he got out of the way and I fired. I swear I have never shot some one that close with a shotgun it looked like the 647E almost did a back flip and the sad part is, is that I felt happy that we got him happy that I killed him.

Since my last log a lot has happen I have no idea what the heck is going on.

I have been leading Sweeps and a raid in the sewers(We moved from C18 to C8 in till the union get C32 ready)
And I really do love where I am at right now, Like I have ever little if any drive for EpU I love being an 01 not
that I wouldn't take an offer.

Oh and after the man got away I came in to a treatment room and found all the contraband he dropped(Including the shotgun) on the ground just laying there I was NOT happy and I yelled at the unit about it.
Thinking back it would have been best if we interrogated the 647E to find out where he got the weapon.

Then I detained some one who was an reported 647E and he wasn't one... He reported a group of anti-citizens one of them called "The salesman" Still unable to get a proper ID but we will find him.
I used this information to request a raid on a safe house in the sewers that I found in one of my sweeps.
I was in command 182 040 an 04 and the GRID OfC where involved. The GRID OfC build a recon drone for us that I took with my team 182 and 040 took another path. There was no one there nor any thing I think if they were there they took a path way out in to slums. 

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Title: Re: <::||01.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on July 17, 2011, 03:18:44 PM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 01
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New Log Started: 015
Text: I may have had a weak moment yesterday...
There was a citizen that had level 1 contraband and he was trying to redeem him self...
So I let him try it I should have just pulled the trigger but I couldn't find it in my heart to not let him try I don't know why....
He is now an active spy for us trying to get in to a anti-citizen group centered around this "Salesman" that I keep hearing from. I really hope I didn't make a mistake I also hope he does't because he will leave treatment one limb at a time...

I heard an 11-99 over the radio and I went to the train station and a unit was being attacked.. The attacker got away and in to the sewers and my request to lead a sweep to find him was denied.

The CA did a meet and greet in the city and he was guarded by two OTA units and one I think on the sky bridge I was going ally to ally to make sure they were cleaned so they didn't get ambushed.

Other than that not a lot to log.

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Title: Re: <::||01.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on July 17, 2011, 11:46:10 PM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 01
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New Log Started: 016
Text: Well today was interesting to a point. I was given advance breaching training and while doing it me and three other units kinda shot each other.... What happen was there was a target and two of us went for it and I had a shotgun and didn't see the two other units... I hit One of the units(An 04) and an other unit hit me but my body armor stopped it I don't know about the other one he got back up but I wasn't aiming FOR him he got clip'd if any thing.

In the whole thing 147 was acting like an idiot to the point were he got a second black mark(He already had one) and then our trainer took his spot away from him(Team leader) and gave it to an other unit.

After that there isn't a whole bunch to log I didn't get out of stasis till late today because I figured it would be better for me to get some rest. 
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Title: Re: <::||01.155 Private Logs||::>
Post by: The Doctor, RIP Juggernaut on July 19, 2011, 04:44:40 PM

                                                     Unit: 155
                                                  SQUAD: APEX
                                             Clearance: 01
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New Log Started: 017
Text: One HECK of a day today....
First off I gave an 04 some training but that was the slow part...

Then I went in for some advance medical training... Thats when things started to heat up.
Alright I was in the training when I started coughing... And 018(A NOVA 04) saw what must have been a blood stain on my uniform.
What happen was I got shot in the breaching training and the bullet entered my body with out my detection.... How I have no idea...
I had to go in to surgery.. After the surgery I got back to my feet and found out that there were two bombs in the city...
One was defused by 993 for some reason unknown to me he took it to him self to defuse that thing and some how he did...
The second one I was there for and it was a big mess first we move it to detainment then we move it to RDC THEN a GRID unit that I have never seen before came in and failed defusing it... He got blown up......

That was the first time I ever saw a unit die....
From what I make out he wasn't the best unit....

Then come 993 what happen was he had whats called "Shell shock" and this was before the bomb went off... So we try to get him to rest but he keeps talking about leaving medbay and we keep telling him that its a bad idea I had to order him to say in there.

So after the bomb I go in to check on him but 117 came behind me...
This had to have been the worst hour that I have EVER had.
He draws his side arm and tells the unit to get better or face amputation... I stare at the gun and try to talk him down first reaching for the gun which in my mind was a good way of getting shot... Then I reach for MY gun and figured that would still get me killed... So I called in for backup and 182 came in, he tells 117 to stand down he does't 182 has his AR2 I decide to draw my pistol but keep it at my side we both keep talking to 117 then 182 throws a medal on the table where 993 was and he clams down and he seems fine now...

I holster my sidearm then 117 grabs me by the neck.. OK I never planned on shooting him only his weapon.
He ask me if I question the SeCs Directives I tell him no I was about to say "Only your orders" but I said " I don't trust any one CCA or other that points a gun at a unit in the same squad as me" And he didn't like that.
I told nothing but the truth, if had I fired or took his gun out of his hand I would be deep....

I am going to contact 602 about this matter.. I don't think this is the way a DvL should act.

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