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Messages - Airborne1st

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You'll have to arrange it all ICly and have it actually be reasonable. The only acceptable way of doing this is what Khub mentioned. You'll have to see if you can convince a unit to do that for you, but its extremely highly unlikely.

Accepted HL2RP Suggestions / Re: Viscerators
« on: April 30, 2013, 09:19:23 PM »
Moved to accepted suggestions. I ICly ordered the project to be done months ago and its actually been ICly used and tested already.

Fixed Bugs / Gas draining causing lag while driving
« on: April 23, 2013, 09:19:23 PM »
I noticed I get slight lag spikes while driving every few seconds. This just started 2 days ago. I've narrowed this down to what I believe is an issue with the gas. When I have a completely full tank, there' no lag at all until I get to 99% and from there, it lags slightly every few seconds from there on.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Sirens cannot be heard
« on: April 21, 2013, 04:09:48 PM »
I have this issue as well.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Rokus Relici's Authorization Application
« on: April 19, 2013, 07:52:18 PM »
Accepted. Locked. Moved.

Accepted. Locked. Moved.

Accepted. Locked. Moved.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: Rokus Relici's Authorization Application
« on: April 17, 2013, 06:56:34 PM »
Everything sounds okay to me but since a weapon and v flags are being asked for, I'll go ahead and wait for at least one more SA to post their support before seeing it as acceptable. Alternatively, if no other SA has posted their support in the next 24 hours, I'll accept it myself.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Who was in this video?
« on: April 05, 2013, 08:13:45 PM »
I remember a few of those units in that video. If I didn't already have my RCT, I know I got it very shortly after that video was filmed. 938 is still around and is currently a Section Leader, or what was formerly a CmD.

Accepted Authorizations / Re: 'The Seeker''s Authorization Application
« on: March 31, 2013, 11:34:11 AM »

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: High Command RP Ramble
« on: March 29, 2013, 08:44:35 PM »
The person who sent the report said in the report that elizabeth and 938 seemed to be more than friends. It would be impossible to see anything that would give any hint that we were, "more than friends." We even kept our /me's to a minimum and the only thing that happened was a /me of elizabeth putting her hand on 938's facemask. The citizen was pretty far away, I'd say realistically comparable to 30 yards at the very least and didn't have a flashlight. The only thing he could possibly see would be a very faint glow of the red lights on the left side of my facemask because I was making sure to stand in a very dark corner of the sewers. I actually couldn't even see elizabeth's character right in front of me, so there's no way it would be possible for him to see anything or know that I wasn't just detaining someone down there, therefore making his request 100% metagamed. I also checked the server logs prior to him reporting us just to see if he had RP'd trying to get closer to us to anything like that and the only thing I saw in the logs from him was where he lolspawned a shipment of request devices literally just before he sent in the report. He must have seen the /me of elizabeth touching my facemask because you can see /me's pretty far across the map in chat.

So basically, if this is going to be unvoided, no one has a reason to check any logs or footage, as has already been stated that any video evidence can't be used against me in this. The only thing that could ever get me caught is if someone catches me actually meeting her again, or catches her alive and questions me about it, in which I already have a great IC reason with a perfect back up with logical medical excuses for how she could be alive, which I won't mention unless that time comes.

As for the pistol, I see no issue here and its not like they have infinite ammo or that its someone who can't handle the pistol.

Regarding the comments about my activity, yes I did recently get a new job and a very good one at that. Its a career and takes much of my time. That doesn't mean I'm neglecting my duties here at the community. While I may not be on the server every night, I'm on steam every night and I always have the forums up. If you need to speak with me about an IC issue, copy the IC message format in the hl2rp IC section and send me a forum PM in which I will respond with an IC message as soon as I see that message, or alternatively, send me somewhat IC formatted message over steam and I'll have an IC stasis discussion with you on an issue if I'm not on the server and I'm unable to get on at the time.

As for any further details on this RP, I won't be mentioning anymore about it OOCly and I'll be keeping a close eye on what I can actually be caught for and what I can't to prevent any metagaming attempts. As far as all of you should be concerned, this RP didn't happen to your character's knowledge and Elizabeth is dead and you have no reasons to doubt that 938 killed her, as he confirmed through the radio. If I get on and there's a lolinvestigation going on, I'll call metagaming and take administrative action against any metagaming, whether you're an admin or not and if I catch admins metagaming, punishments will be higher than normal players and this goes for any situation, but you all already know that.

To address the issue with 495 and his project, I do apologize that I didn't focus so much on that particular project, but it also can't be said that I neglect the projects of Logistics. Just in the past month I've ordered and followed two major projects through, those being the vortigaunt shock collars and the IC usage of viscerators. The reason I didn't spend as much time discussing the vest project 495 was testing during my RP with elizabeth is because I already spoke with 605 who came up with the project idea about the specifics and I approved the project so I assumed all 495 wanted to do was test a prototype, in which I had him test it on 121 while I did my RP.

And yes, I am aware that negative consequences /could/ come of this RP and its a risk I'm willing to take. I'm starting to see that I'm spending less and less time on 938 and the server in general. I've pretty gone as far as you can go in the CCA with 938 and I've got a great service record and once you get to the top, things get boring because there's little to work for anymore so I'm pretty much creating unusual RP with my unit that isn't totally strange for my unit's personality and feelings. I've released level 1 anti-citizens in the past as a DvL and never said anything for very similar reasons as I did this with elizabeth. I've never said anything until now for reasons such as why there was an issue with this RP, but I can assure you all, its not something that's totally unusual for my unit. My unit often values himself and his own interests above the Union's and he is justifiably corrupt to a small degree. Not corrupt as in he accepts bribes, but corrupt by Union standards because he's done things in the past that goes against Union policies and laws but seem morally right to 938. Its just how I've developed my character.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: High Command RP Ramble
« on: March 28, 2013, 08:16:22 PM »
With the rp involving my unit aside, let me just address what augmentation is and does because appears many of you have a misguided view on it. I've led the medical division of the CCA for around 11 months or so now and I've done my fair share of augmentation surgeries. Your brain isn't switched out with a mechanical brain at any point during that surgery. Its intended that you retain your human mind and personality, which is how you've developed your character. Augments are purely physical, only increasing strength and physical aspects. My unit, to my knowledge, was never formerly brainwashed. Now, I won't lie and say he's not loyal to the Union, but throughout my unit's career, I've done things that go against what would be preferred for the sake of my character's development. My character's mind and emotions are purely human. Sure, he's a hardened veteran of the Union who has a long, distinguished service record, but he's also got his secrets and emotional moments. He's a surgeon and he chose that path as an 04 when he joined NOVA to preserve life. Its one of the 4 P's in the NOVA general principles, after all. Occasionally, he pities citizens and see's more than just something wrong in them, bringing forth emotions and emotional reactions. I've developed my character like this from the 04 level to the DvL level and I refuse to stop doing it at the CmD level.

So how does this apply to the RP that occurred with myself and toxic's character? Well for one thing, he ICly saw there was little difference in himself and toxic's character. Just as he's always fought for the Union and served it, her character fought for the people and served them. As I stated earlier, my character's mind is completely human and on very rare occasions, makes decisions that are less favorable by other units and keeps those decisions secret. This is not so unusual for 938.

Let me address another issue. I'm a super admin and I don't feel I should have to get approval to RP anything I can auth myself. And as toxic stated, upper High Command RP get's very stale over time and because of the ungodly amount of restrictions on things, upper High Command RP can never change from the same old shit every day. I decided I'd say fuck it and create a bit of unusual RP that would keep me interested in the game mode and create some different RP for someone else as well, being toxic's character. Is that so wrong? Its not like I did this RP with someone new to HL2RP, it was with a trusted member of the community, and based on my character and what's been done to them in the past, it was acceptable in my opinion and there were no flaws in the RP itself.

Anyway, I was the first to just say oh well and vote to void the RP but the other's involved in this RP were strongly against that and after speaking with them, I decided to retract my void until everything could be reviewed. Based on the statements in this thread, it appears its already been decided that this RP will be voided afterall, which is fine. Due to the events and outcome of this RP, I've become a bit annoyed with HL2RP and those of you with admin board access can see my post in the leave thread section about the time I'm taking to get away from HL2RP for a short while. I've also taken to only talking to a select group of people on steam for awhile.

To continue with the theme of this post, yes upper high command RP is rather stale and get's very boring after a solid year of the same thing over and over again.

Also, just a side note, my unit didn't go rogue and isn't going to go rogue and I'm sorry if I'm not always like the rest of high command and try to kill and pk every high value anti citizen. HL2RP isn't about killing everyone, sometimes its nice to let people who create good RP and who spent 6+ hours writing a book for their character's auth app that got accepted to get away from tight situations to continue to use those characters and have good, fun RP. Few people here seem to ever think about that.


Seems well enough to me. + support.

Jonco told me that PKing Matt and Eli wasn't his chose?

2:35 PM - Jonco: old man keeps
2:35 PM - Jonco: arguing over it
2:35 PM - Jonco: eli can go free but
2:35 PM - Airborne1st: We can't let one go free
2:35 PM - Jonco: oh
2:35 PM - Jonco: well
2:36 PM - Jonco: Old man died before and
2:36 PM - Airborne1st: those are the current conditions
2:36 PM - Jonco: I never knew that
2:36 PM - Jonco: so i didnt pk him
2:36 PM - Airborne1st: yeah he's NLR'd already
2:36 PM - Airborne1st: alright
2:36 PM - Airborne1st: its decided then

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