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Messages - SaoulZod

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General Discussion / Re: Speed of Light? More like speed of shite!
« on: September 23, 2011, 03:50:51 AM »
It just proves that Science is always developing. :D

General Discussion / Speed of Light? More like speed of shite!
« on: September 23, 2011, 03:32:47 AM »
haha! Rhyming Subject Line.. but still!

Damn science, you scary.

Serious Mode:  This is probably the coolest thing I've read in a little while.  It pretty much screws the known laws.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Speaking of slaves
« on: September 23, 2011, 03:28:19 AM »
No class has been coded in.  Animations are still buggy and Playing as it has a really annoying bug because of the Vortigaunt's head placement.

Media / Re: Half-Life 1-2 OST
« on: September 23, 2011, 02:33:37 AM »
I kinda view that as good thing.  Music in video games isn't supposed to make you stop and go "Damn, that's sexy music" but it's supposed to add to the experience.  High paced music for action sequences, dramatic music for sad/thriller moments, that kinda thing.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Leomarr: No Hard Feelings
« on: September 22, 2011, 11:52:32 PM »
Alright, let me clear a couple of things up.

1. You were blackmarked for shooting a Citizen that was engaged in roleplay.  Did you not stop to think that 155 would've just shot him if he was REALLY a minge?

2. Leomarr was not acting on his own volition. I told him to blackmark you for taking matters into your own hands.

Blackmarks are not permanent.  At least not yet. They are there to mark LEARNING POINTS not FAILURES.

Denied PK Appeals / Re: 527's ban Appeal (Chunkey approves)
« on: September 21, 2011, 06:18:31 PM »
You didn't know the circumstances and you did something to get you killed. I don't think this warrants getting your PK lifted, sorry mate.

You had two options: Wait it out or Blaze of Glory.

You opted for the second one.  Your death (to my knowledge) was fully roleplayed and involved with by quite a few people.  NOVA returning will not sway that in the least.

IC Chat / Re: <::||CmD.88740's Private Logs||::>
« on: September 16, 2011, 03:07:47 PM »
// Log. Log all you can.  It creates a good light from the community. If they see the cool shit we do on a daily basis, more people will join. :D

IC Chat / Re: <::||CmD.88740's Private Logs||::>
« on: September 16, 2011, 07:01:10 AM »
UNIT: 88740
DIVISION: Universal Union
CLEARANCE: Commander

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New File Opened: msg.00022
Send To: Self
Subject: <No Subject>

<::|| Daybreak, five days ago... I emerged from my Pod with a feeling of Order, Clarity, and... oddly sore. I stood, waiting for the nausea of Stasis to hit me, but it never did.  Confused, I bumbled around, adjusting to the waking-world when I realized nothing was fitting correctly. Upon further examination of myself, I'd found that someone had changed my suit and taken my armband. I no longer had a welcoming Orange HELIX armband with a Division Leader emblem on it... There was no armband.  Shoulder marks on my suit were Orange, still are. Emblem on my chest matched the shoulder stripes.... and that's about when it hit me.

I'd been promoted again. My first emotions were in this sequence: Rage, Denial, Uncertainty, Joy, then... nothing. I went about the day normally, trying not to think about what might happen to my Division. I may not have founded it, but I was the most promising of the Units chosen. With only Five of us that night, I rose to the top for a reason... but I guess the Benefactors had better plans for me. I have left command in the hands of 117. He is the only Unit to EVER match me in wit, or even hold a halfway legitimate argument with me... I hope HELIX fares better than NOVA did.  I will miss my "Children" of HELIX, though... I guess in a way, all of the Divisions are now my children. They will start looking to me for Guidance, and I will be obligated to give it to them....

I was reading back in my old Logs. I used to be a nice young man... not so young, I suppose. I guess now that I have endless resources at my disposal, I shall return to my original project.... at my rank, I no longer have to shade it, I suppose. Electro-magnetic Weapons. Specifically targeting augmented Units, radios, and even a Vortigaunt's vortessence... to a degree.  I will be making a device to input into the Overwatch. A small EMP-bomb that will completely short-circuit the Unit, stopping all functions, not just vitals.  We do not need a repeat of Outlands.

Evening, four days ago... I've collected quite a congregation of Citizens. They come to me in the Plaza, questioning me about the Union. I guess it is because of my new stature that they see me as a Beacon of the Union. I am asked many questions, I answer them all. It seems to give them hope. Like I am what they could attain by being in the Union.  Not a quivering heap of flesh, scrounging for their next meal... but a solider for the Benefactors. Easily passing judgement upon any that require it. One of the Citizens was very questioning. I answered all of her questions, she seemed to be the spokesperson for the "mob". It's a shame one of her eyes was removed, she would have made an amazing Unit. Very loyal and driven.  I almost envy her, I wish I was that strong when I was a Citizen.  I will recommend her for the Civil Worker's Union. It is a more fitting place for her.

The City was abnormally quiet after my questionings.  All of the Citizens were moved along and I felt pride again. I very much enjoy it, it's a warmth in my chest that I never got before joining the UCA.  While I was around, there was no real issue, the city was actually still and serene for once... then... the Recruits started questioning me... even worse, Oh-Fours. Telling me that their Leaders had not been active. Or that they hadn't received their training. Or even to the level of Recruits not having partners to patrol with. This WILL change. Even if the whole system needs to be torn down and rebuilt... we will fix this. ||::>

Saving File As: msg.00022
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting Unit.88740
Console Shut Down.

City Administrator / Re: Stop the OOC racism
« on: September 15, 2011, 11:17:28 PM »
Locked to prevent more necroposting.

IC Chat / Re: Letters to the City Administrator.
« on: September 15, 2011, 05:25:54 PM »
<Unintelligible scrawl>

City Administrator,

I would ask you a nice heartfelt question about the beginnings of you being the C-A, or your upbringing... but I frankly don't give a damn about that.

What I want to know is what can you do for us? Neutrality is difficult to maintain of all there is in the city is hate, bloodshed and tormenting. From BOTH sides. Make no mistake, there is a Resistance in this City. Where? I do not know. But I have my doubts that you have our best interests in mind. I've met the parties. Your kevlar-clad soldiers, wielding the powers of the Gods in their metallic batons. Even your automatons, driven in the idle rush to create "Sociostability".  I've also met the scared, the dirty and the angry denizens of your "great city". There is no end to their torment. No end to their suffering.  The Citizens either starve or dwindle into the mental coma that is your Union Civil Authority.

I am writing this in an attempt to confide in someone, to stave off the last panes of insanity.  I have started growing fruits, vegetables, even wheat... to an extent, in the basements of many of the buildings here. It's not all that hard, boil down water to cleanse it, modify lights, break down to the corrupted soil beneath our city. The corrosive poison from your lips don't pierce as deep as you believe.  The infection has started, and it grows baleful.  It hungers for more, for a sense of peace. A sense of Humanity.

I know your "Units" are exhausted, I know they are unable to control their minds... but even the greatest balancing act can be toppled. The power held over them by the Benefactors won't last forever.  Like the waxing and waning of the moon, the night of the Combine will end.


Social Discussion / Re: So there is this girl
« on: September 15, 2011, 04:56:37 PM »
I agree with Martinerrr.

Nothing wrong with social interaction, but what is the level of your friendship?

Social Discussion / Re: When you go out to a bar/pub/party;
« on: September 14, 2011, 07:47:30 PM »
I usually get Bourbon... I guess Whiskey is a good second choice, then.

General Discussion / Re: Have you seen the new 2 and a Half men intro?!
« on: September 13, 2011, 01:27:34 PM »
I miss Charlie Sheen.

Ashton Kutcher is about as funny as getting ass-raped by a gorilla while gargling honey and trying to sing the Star-Spangled Banner.

IC Chat / Re: <::||RCT.777 Private Logs||::>
« on: September 11, 2011, 10:27:49 PM »
// Sad to see 887 go, but, as you said, he became a bit to much of a dick.
// Anyways, it's all good unless you join HELIX again.

// 887 is still around, but my next step is CmD and I'm not near getting that... and now we have more active HC, I don't have a place anymore.
// And I'll probably join APEX.

IC Chat / Re: <::||RCT.777 Private Logs||::>
« on: September 11, 2011, 09:48:51 PM »
// Damnit, I was hoping for my CCA digits to be 777. :D

// Ninja'd. :)

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