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Topics - SaoulZod

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / The Pain Train Post
« on: October 22, 2011, 05:47:39 PM »
This is not a leave-thread.  This is a "Me-following-my-word" thread.

My return was temporary as of Midnight Tonight (Oct.23), I will be leaving CG.

I gave it was week, it was actually pleaded that I give it a week.  I did, no real change.  The events with Wesker are not the cause (inb4 lolweskar) but the CCA's overall inability to DEAL WITH THEIR OWN SHIT is bothering me.

I took my SeC (now demoted, I think to 01) and had to call in the ENTIRE high command of a certain Division just to hear from them. They've now posted their proposed changes look reasonable.  I must push that the remaining SeC/CmD look it over with serious thought.

CCA in a nutshell:

GRID has an Identity Crisis
APEX is elitist pricks (mostly: IC and OOC)
NOVA is all "lolwut"
High Command as a whole doesn't say SHIT to each other and it's pathetic
Recruits/04 don't have any urge to learn how to roleplay correctly
03 to EpU is a flurry of mixed times, dates and trainings

Citizen RP:

You get to sweep in a circle then... if you're lucky, RATIONS! WOO, right? You get to stand in a line and get a doggybag of tokens, food and water. Of course the food and water are useless, you don't eat. But those tokens... WOO!

Majority of the Server is awesome, yall are great guys and I wish I'd be posting on a more... kind... method. But I've been extremely active in your community and only seen it go downhill. Every once in a while, I'd throw a rock in the engine, people enjoyed it.
SaoulZod ~Out

General Discussion / Combine vs. Skynet (Terminator)
« on: October 15, 2011, 12:37:44 AM »
Hypothetical situation.

Combine are doing their thing, ruling earth when suddenly.... Arnold Schwarzenegger comes in and fucks their faces up. (As a Terminator, of course) CCA is confused, but look into it and then BOOM, full out Skynet invasion.

Who would win?

General Discussion / Speed of Light? More like speed of shite!
« on: September 23, 2011, 03:32:47 AM »
haha! Rhyming Subject Line.. but still!

Damn science, you scary.

Serious Mode:  This is probably the coolest thing I've read in a little while.  It pretty much screws the known laws.

IC Chat / <::||03.555 Private Logs||::>
« on: September 11, 2011, 09:39:13 PM »
OOC: Unit's digits were changed in light of the C20 Experiment

UNIT: 555

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New File Opened: msg.0000001
Send To: Private Logs
Subject: First Day

<::|| First day in the suit... Got adjusted to it and say through the droning of my trainer as they told me all the little details of the Union Civil Authority. It made my brain hurt, almost. I went through all the training involved with my suit, and basic things. Medical, Firearms, Interrogation... all the "fun" stuff.

Then the real fun happened... 913 took me aside in the Training room and "Taught" me Hand-to-Hand.  Then he pitted another recruit, and an 04 against me.   Recruit493 was my first adversary.  I dispatched him quickly and cleanly.  He was allowed to throw the first punch, I grabbed his wrist and kicked out one of his knees. When I watched him writhe on the ground, I felt a odd moment of happiness.  Turning back to 913 and he just gave me a solemn nod and called 350 to us.  He was instructed to try and take me down.  He tried, and failed. He swung, but he aimed at my gut. The most padded part of the Recruit's Uniform.  I stepped forward so he couldn't get much force behind it and make a right-handed jab straight for his throat.  He tried blocking, but it was too late. He too ended up writhing on the ground.

The two incapacitated Units were dismissed and it was me and 913, with 935 in the corner.  I think I actually detected FEAR from that 02. Strange, no one's ever been afraid of me before. It was slightly empowering, but he too was dismissed.  913 finished our training and dismissed me. That was about all there was to my first day in the CCA...

Triple-7. Lucky me for an easy first day. ||::>

Saving File As: msg.0000001
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting Unit.555
Console Shut Down.

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / [Outlands] Time scheduling?
« on: August 26, 2011, 04:50:12 AM »
About what time does Population out on Outlands actually heat up? Does it?

Denied PK Appeals / MOVED: unbaned request for psycho!!!
« on: August 24, 2011, 02:09:04 AM »

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / No Gmod today for me, thanks. :D
« on: August 16, 2011, 02:40:33 PM »
After 9 hour marathons of CG back to back for a few days....

Time for a little break.   I'll be back on tomorrow.

Social Discussion / I was on the Facebook...
« on: August 03, 2011, 08:45:07 AM »
...and I saw a notification that I was tagged in a status... so I was like "m'okay... I'll read it."

It was a girl I'd been seeing a few weeks ago, and she was whining for some reason about me, I didn't read it too closely, a lot of "I hate you" and "I slept with your best friend" (To which my reply to the latter was "AWESOME! She's a nice girl.")

So I sent her a message titled: "You're right, and I'm sorry."

The message comprised of a long-winded explainational  story of how I'd be having some bad times lately and that it was perfectly natural for her to act like this... basically turning the whole thing into my favor. She apologized and asked if I could ever forgive her... Now, she's got 500 friends (roughly) and they all know me.  My reputation is damaged, obviously, and I wasn't feeling nice at this point (Because 19 messages of me apologizing and she's just now getting it?  Fuck that.) So I sent this.

I can't forgive you and this is why.... because bicycles made of ham are the greatest experience a puppy can have while doing cartwheels down a giant mountain of cheese that ends in chocolate syrup. In the syrup are gumdrops made of root beer flavoring and they all make you float up like in that Charlie and Chocolate Factory, then when you're floating the sky that dragon-dog thing from the Never-ending Story comes up and breaths smoke on you forcing you to a reality where you didn't age and you knew the future in every event so you decide to fight crime but the criminal is super smart and rich and is better than you in any way shape or form and you have to use your powers to outsmart him without the super intelligence he has. After you did that and he was thwarted, he'd say something along the lines of "There's no hope for you now, Gadget!" and then burst into cotton-candy where a dozen little children will eat him and their moms will get pissed at you and have to take them to the dentist, who turns out to be Macho Man Randy Savage wearing a dress and he screams "OH YEEEEEAH!" while pulling the teeth that are filled with cavities and replacing them with tiny saw-blades so the children can eat meat more efficiently. The operation would go over so well that it becomes the standard for children and all Vegetarianism ceases to exist because all the kids like the efficiency of the teeth and the pleasure they receive when they use them so you decide to look into the issue and it turns out that it's the Criminal Arch-nemesis from the start of the story and he put microchips in the children's teeth that make them crave human meat and they all start eating their parents, eventually they corner you and you die then the puppy from the very beginning comes in and pisses on Macho-Man Randy Savage's dress and he screams in terror then melts like the Wicked Witch of the West while yelling "And your little doggy too!". Then the dog rides away on the Ham Bicycle, over the gumdrops, through the syrup, up the cheese mountain to reach God's Sanctum where God gives the puppy a milkbone and the puppy curls up and sits at God's feet. Then God suddenly sports a full mega-mountain man beard and screams "OH YEEEEEEEAH!" and then the movie ends. Sincerely, Fuck you, I'm not accepting your apology, I'm tired of jumping through hoops for you.

My question... too harsh?

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / In the long run?
« on: July 28, 2011, 08:58:55 PM »
What will happen if the influx of new players to Hl2Rp slows to a trickle and EVERYONE is a CP because that's the only real option for character development?  There is no REAL Resistance front that anyone knows about, the CCA is just too efficient at snuffing it before it starts.

Will the server just restart entirely, everyone is a Civie again except for select few that restart the CCA progress all over again?  Because isn't that the goal of the Combine?  Entire enslavement?

General Discussion / Outlands RP
« on: July 28, 2011, 06:56:32 PM »
Let me see if I've got this correctly.   It's basically the inverse of Hl2Rp, being that Resistance rules it more than Combine?  So they'll be more Resistance guys around and less Combine? How about a roster like the CCA one for the Resistance?

Or am I absolutely wrong here?

IC Chat / <::||CmD.88740's Private Logs||::>
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:14:02 AM »

                                                    Unit: 887
                                                  SQUAD: UNIFORM
                                             Clearance: RCT
                                         Enter Password: ******************
                                         ACCESS GRANTED

                                              Connecting to Network

New Log Started: 00001 (Number goes up by one in each log)
To: Self
Text: First day as a Civil Protection Officer went as expected, to a point.  We got through with Orientation with no problems, but our group had a hold up at Breach Training. We got through that eventually, 474 (the one training) was furious at us for a while. After that we had a little time to patrol and learn the city, I've teamed up with RCT.230 for the time being. He's competent.

There's been a slight... disturbance... in my bliss though. I was fine seeing a man be tortured, got to watch his eye get ripped out. That didn't bother me. It didn't even bother me that he was missing an arm and vomiting blood everywhere. What bothered me was having to preform my first Amputation.... I guess it's always hard the first time. It felt horrible, but the second time I had to do it, Assault Class 2 and Contraband Level 1 (Knife, used to stab someone), it was much easier.  Maybe it just felt justified that time?

I met two of our City Administrators today. Nothing else could be said, though. They seemed rather nice, they even sat us down for lunch. Us being me and 230. 676 was there too, the Officer of GRID. I can't remember the other one's... he was Division Leader, though.

I got through a large amount of my training today, I was rather surprised.

I guess that's it for now, though... into Stasis I go.

---Guess not. Called for a specific duty... Level 1 Violation. Administered a brief beating and dunked him in the bathtub... my head hurts.

Saving File under Log: 00001
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
Saving File.....
File Saved
(Name. Ex: CCA.C8.UNIFORM-RCT.887)
Logging off.
Console Shut Down.
Connection Lost

Half-Life 2 Roleplay / CCA Application?
« on: July 14, 2011, 02:03:01 PM »
I saw Bullet made a new post... I had a sad-face when I scrolled over mine and didn't see any green or orange. Looked at another post, noticed that he used really small font. and got my hopes up.... Looked back at mine... and saw this in the very bottom in small font.

"Accepted for interview. Loyalist status confirmed.. (7/14/11)"

Now I'm all

IC Chat / Saoul Gibson - Di1Ent1-?
« on: July 07, 2011, 02:58:18 PM »
// Saoul Gibson documents his progress, trials, and tribulation throughout the city. From meeting people to finding a pebble. I will be documenting ALL experiences on the server. It should prove to be a nice timeline at the end of Saoul's Life. :D

Entry 1- Day1... Midday(?)

I've decided to keep a diary, I found it in my briefcase (read on). Thus far, this is all I know. I woke up sometime midday in a very warm train-station. There was no sounds of the cars and the board looked to have not been changed in years. I was alone. Sitting up, I found a briefcase with a name scratched into it. I have claimed it to be mine. Unable to remember anything, I decided to turn out my pockets, to see what came up. I found a handful of strange coins (they don't have a flavor, sadly..) and an identification card. Apparently my name is "Saoul Gibson". Strange name... it matches the one on my case, so I guess it's mine.

Entry 2- Day 1... Evening(?)

None of the clocks seem to work, even my assigned room has one, but it is stopped. I can't tell what time it is, nor when I should sleep. Light doesn't change outside and I have yet to see it rain... strange. I have examined the concrete, it's cracking and broken in places, but otherwise flawless. There's no dirt or loose stones, odd... I am going for a walk, maybe I can learn something new...

Entry 3- Day 1... Evening(?)

I met a few of the Civil Protection Officers... they were very nice. First they helped me with my headache with a little electroshock, then escorted me to the sidewalk. How nice! ...Ugh. I still can't see straight. I think I'll curl up on the floor, there's no furnishing in my apartment.. only the stupid clock. Oddly enough, the seconds-hand works, I guess it'll have to do.

Entry 4- Day 2... Morning - Time: ....oh god...

I have decided AGAINST choosing seconds to measure time... it gets unfathomably large quickly... I shall use minutes, I guess. Only doing in the waking hours, and I'll assume I sleep 7 hours a "night".

The CWU shop that was in the Plaza is gone. Strange, it looked very well set up. I couldn't figure out what the orange device on the top was for, though. I met someone new. His name is... 'James', I believe. He seems competent. Answering a few of my questions of the city, I bought some water from him, gave him a few extra tokens for his time.

Entry 5- Day 2... Afternoon - Time: 2280minutes since awakening

I have wandered a bit more, searched the lobbies for something I may scrap. I don't know why, but I have plans of circuits in my head, and can remember all of these obnoxious equations... maybe I was an electrician before all this...  I've found that all machinery is bolted down. From the Washing Machines to the Televisions. I suppose I'll deal with it my thoughts in my head for now and build in there.  I continue to act slow around the Officers, it seems to be the correct path.

Entry 6- Day 2... Evening - Time: 2520minutes sin-awa

I've decided to start abridging a lot of my writing. Fortunately, my briefcase had lots of pens... I shall keep this in one of the crevices behind the toilet, it seems they're starting to search more frequently. I've decided to start sleeping in the bathtub, it's got a nice 38degree angle to it and a smooth slope. Should solve my back issue from the stunstick the other day.

Entry 7- Day 3... Morn - T: 2880min sin-awa

I awoke to a furious pound on the door, getting out of my tub, dressing and reaching the door, I found that there was no one there. Strange, I looked down the halls and listened hard, no footsteps or anyone present. I decided it was time to wake up anyways. I am going to assume it's an hour before my normal awakening, for ease. I will add fractions later. Perhaps I will go walking again.

Entry 8- Day 3... AftN - T: 3180min S-A

Something is different about the city today, I can't place it. It seems more barren than normal... I am the only one in the plaza, there's no officers, no other civilians, no CWU. I've found a small stone in one of the garbage cans. It was obviously meant for me, no one else was around. I put it in my pocket and hurried back to my apartment, in-case there was some sort of raid that I was unaware of.

Entry 9- Day 3... AftN to Eve - T: 3457.35m S-A

Something strange happened!  I was wandering around and I went into a build I thought was a bakery... it may have been once... Regardless, I was on the second floor and found an open-able window! This was extremely exciting for me, I hoped I could scavenge a lever from it. I found myself on the balcony and I pocketed the lever. Deciding to sit on the ledge, I closed my eyes for a small nap... I didn't get far in it, I was interrupted by a rude Officer who was saying that I wasn't allowed on the ledge!  Why would they leave it open if I couldn't stay?! He wouldn't let me go back it, so I had to jump luckily there was a woman in the way. She's strange, she has extremely blue eyes. I didn't hear what the officer was saying, I was remembering the ocean at that point.  He shoved me a few times, but I just went along.

I found 'Blue', as I am going to call her, again. She says she can't sleep outside, I offered my apartment, she accepted. I have found a friend. She tells me her name's 'Aaron' [// he misheard her]]. Odd name for a female... Regardless, she slept in my apartment while I wandered, still thinking about the ocean.

Entry 10- Day 3... Eve T- 3783.03m S-A

Blue's missing, I suspect she'll find her way back sooner or later. I gave her a key, afterall. The bathtub is rather comfortable when I use my jumpsuit as a pillow, oddly it's not cold here. It's always a neutral temperature. I'll worry about her in the morning, it's time to sleep.

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