Author Topic: 270's authorization app.  (Read 14751 times)

Offline Dallas

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2013, 11:09:40 AM »
Allow me to quote from RTLK's stickied guide on stasis.

Stasis is similar in the fact that if you go without it you are liable to preform poorer and poorer and eventually crash into a coma-like state.

Now, how will we get around this issue. Because 27070 was certainly augmented and would certainly rely on stasis.

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Offline Zail

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2013, 12:44:32 PM »
I thought that augments worked like this: Nanites are injected into you. To keep up with your enhanced physical abilities, your organs are replaced with mechanical ones that one, weigh you down and two, need to be powered. If they're not powered you go into cardiac arrest and die. Correct me if I'm wrong but I've been told that countless times. People are always saying "I was slightly augmented hurr durr" It's either you are or you're not. And making it so 270 can be recharged I don't agree with. Because if It's so easy, then stasis would be scrapped and we would have done that years ago.

Along with that, those machines in your body are like the ones who keep a person's heart beating or like a person on a ventilator that needs it to breathe except they shove it in your chest. Those take more energy than what a battery or solar panel are going to produce.

You want power? Well, alright. I took the 5 minutes it took to watch over Statua's new map to find all the power sources. Let me say, I found around 6-7 places where there's power. And I could count TONS more, seeing merely every building have light in them and that power would need to come from somewhere, correct?

Spoiler for a lot of Power sources pics.:

Click to see the original size.

Now realise. There should be fuel back, in some of the tanks at the gas station or in the cars. Or at least, that's what everyone will claim, cause where else would everyone get fuel for their cars? Magically?
As you see too, there's plenty of generators, which I would be able to steal power from. Please don't say they're all not working, cause why would all the lights, surrounding these generators, be turned on then?

So a stasis pod, that cannot be opened, but locks you in, no matter what. The stasis pod somehow fell from where it was, then you crawled out. Anyways, you're loyal to the Civil Protection, you get brainwashed then the augumentations.

Did you ever care to read what I told you?
Though, I'll gladly quote my own background.

"As the stasis pod slowly would be getting into position, a slight sound of air flooding out of the locked room inside of the stasis pod, would be heard getting out. Seconds after the stasis pod started opening, the console shuts off as a deep sound of an explosion shakes the entire nexus. The metallic arm, carrying the stasis pod breaks in two, dropping the stasis pod down onto the ground. As the pod strikes the ground, the rest of the stasis locks clicks off, opening up for the person inside of it."

There you go. I hope you actually cared to read my answer this time, instead of assuming I just broke the pod open and lolwalked out of it like a magician.

Allow me to quote from RTLK's stickied guide on stasis.

Stasis is similar in the fact that if you go without it you are liable to preform poorer and poorer and eventually crash into a coma-like state.

Now, how will we get around this issue. Because 27070 was certainly augmented and would certainly rely on stasis.

Of course, indeed. Now tell me, where is the limit? I see he's saying slowly. Yes, of course. But I doubt that would be within a week, seeing units should be capable of surviving in the field, where there's no stasis pods for them.
We can continue to argue back and forth on that topic, hence I'll not go further with it. You have your reasons, I have mine. But in general, we can't come up to a 100% correct answer, as this was all made up by people who neither had any literal idea about, how it was working or if they even existed.
In general, we're using stalker pods, for stasis pods. That's a bit weird, isn't it?

Offline Dallas

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2013, 01:32:21 PM »

Now realise. There should be fuel back, in some of the tanks at the gas station or in the cars. Or at least, that's what everyone will claim, cause where else would everyone get fuel for their cars? Magically?


In general, we're using stalker pods, for stasis pods. That's a bit weird, isn't it?

On the first note, allow me to link to you a thread where I raised the very same question and the overwhelming response was much like you put it; magic.

To the second point, look at how long a unit would be on-duty... 9-12 hours, maybe more a day. My estimate is that without rest, the augments would slow down rather quickly. At most a week. Think about how many times a unit goes off-duty to rest in the pod. It would make sense for the augments to not have that long a life before they degraded.

Finally, we're not working from stalker pods, this is from the official guide. The coma-like state is undeniable.

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Offline Zail

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2013, 02:04:53 PM »

Now realise. There should be fuel back, in some of the tanks at the gas station or in the cars. Or at least, that's what everyone will claim, cause where else would everyone get fuel for their cars? Magically?


In general, we're using stalker pods, for stasis pods. That's a bit weird, isn't it?

On the first note, allow me to link to you a thread where I raised the very same question and the overwhelming response was much like you put it; magic.

To the second point, look at how long a unit would be on-duty... 9-12 hours, maybe more a day. My estimate is that without rest, the augments would slow down rather quickly. At most a week. Think about how many times a unit goes off-duty to rest in the pod. It would make sense for the augments to not have that long a life before they degraded.

Finally, we're not working from stalker pods, this is from the official guide. The coma-like state is undeniable.

Thank you for finding the exact thread I was talking about.

Now secondly: "Finally, we're not working from stalker pods, this is from the official guide. The coma-like state is undeniable."
Right, is that OUR official guide, made by people, who made it up? Or is it the REAL guide, made by Valve themselfs?
Eitherway, I tried to search on Half life wikipedia to see if I could find anything regarding "Stasis". Surprisingly, I couldn't. I found a lot of other stuff though, had an interesting read.
If you could somehow provide me with anything real and official, made by the game devolopers then I'll of course think twice about it. If not, your point is invalid, as the entire CCA is.

Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2013, 02:38:15 PM »
If the entire CCA's canon on stasis is invalid, why is yours correct? On top of that the trip to the Outlands is pretty long as far as I know. Probably abandoned buildings along the way but nothing that can keep 270 sustained.

Offline Dallas

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2013, 02:40:28 PM »
Valve doesn't supply that stuff. We are able to use this rather insightful guide by Karma as pretty clear evidence on how we operate at CG- why else would it be stickied and labelled the "Official" guide to stasis. You know what else isn't on the wiki? CWU. Should we cut those as well and fill it in as we please?

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Offline raged

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2013, 02:55:52 PM »
you guys know you can email the head writer and ask his opinion on this but he'll probably all call you dumb and say stasis doesn't exist

i emailed him asking what gunships eat and he told me chicken

Offline Zail

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2013, 03:03:36 PM »
If the entire CCA's canon on stasis is invalid, why is yours correct? On top of that the trip to the Outlands is pretty long as far as I know. Probably abandoned buildings along the way but nothing that can keep 270 sustained.

Never said mine was correct. Where did I say that? I was just argumentating against Dallas.

Valve doesn't supply that stuff. We are able to use this rather insightful guide by Karma as pretty clear evidence on how we operate at CG- why else would it be stickied and labelled the "Official" guide to stasis. You know what else isn't on the wiki? CWU. Should we cut those as well and fill it in as we please?

No they don't. Of course they wouldn't, as they didn't expect us to be roleplaying it.
Yes, he made us a guide. Not a strict law. :)
Yes of course the CWU isn't on the wiki, just as S1, S2, S3, S4 isn't either. Neither the OP shit we're doing, neither the OP rebels in outlands, neither the ranks you're using or being so proud of. In general, our HL2RP is a lie, yet we stick to it, because we find it enjoyable.
Why do we bend it though? Who would like to sit around inside a room, doing nothing as a citizen, cause that's the way it is. Who would like no one in command, except one who would be Breen or even an advisor? Why do we have ranks and divisions, blocking others out and then get flamed at for elitism? Wasn't it that ZEALOT once were called? Elitist? Personally, I never meant they were.
If you don't care about your ranks, why is some still butthurt when they're demoted? Why not remove all the ranks and divisions, to make everyone equal,stop the butthurting and terminate the word "elitism"? Because everyone, wants to be better than others. Everyone.

Now you can turn that around and say I want to be an elitist player, with a S0 suit, augmentation and whatnot in outlands, where there's only citizens and an undercover unit. Hurray, cause thats not intended. If I wanted myself to be elitist, why wouldn't I carry around several pulse rifles, frags in each hands, dual pistols, heavy machine gun on my back and whatnot? Because I want to try out a new way, where I can't really hurt anyone except in close quarter combat, which I even want to avoid there.
In general, I can't see the big problem and the butthurt about a unit with augmentation is moving to outlands, without any sort of defensives. But apparently someone does and uses the augmentation excuse, as the only reason, to not allow this unit out.

No, I'm not hating. I'm stating.

We can't know what Valve intentionally was wanting the Combine to be. We can only use our imagination, which we're doing. I'm using my imagination, I'm bending the Hl2RP a small bit for the enjoyment of my own small passive rp. I've seen a lot of others do this? Why can't I? Is it because I'm too OP with augmentations? Or is it because I'm in general disliked.

you guys know you can email the head writer and ask his opinion on this but he'll probably all call you dumb and say stasis doesn't exist

i emailed him asking what gunships eat and he told me chicken

Thank you for that Raged, answering while I was typing. Appreciated.
As Raged stated himself, we can't really know anything unless we ask the devolopers.

Sure, if they agree on stasis for normal, basic units, why not go ahead and ask them about; Ranks, divisions, augmentations and whatnot we have implented here at CG, to be 100% sure?

Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2013, 03:09:33 PM »
I would like to point out, that if the entire CCA are semi-augmented super cops, Why the hell would they augment them so much, that they couldn't survive with out stasis for more than 12 hours? that's dumb and a massive flaw seeing how that limits OTA's operational time(Who are more augmented and using more power) around 24 hours or so assuming they have better power supplies.

Another thing you could look up is ATP(Its what the body uses to power its self) and how pacemakers work.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline Dallas

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2013, 03:15:29 PM »
We're only talking about stasis. Slow down. We're not going to overhaul the entire canon to fit an authorization.
You appear to be throwing out all this stuff that is irreverent to the actual topic. I'll say it again as it appears you don't like confronting it; we operate on our own canon due to the fact that if we stuck to the real canon things would be boring as shit. The rules do make sense. They're not OP, quite the opposite in fact...

270 has bionic augments (I've been led to believe), now unless you happen to be Tony Stark and can build a self-sufficient power source to keep these going- in that case rendering stasis obsolete- then good luck to you. RTLK's guide is pretty complete and is accepted at CG as the lay of the land when it comes to stasis.

I would like to point out, that if the entire CCA are semi-augmented super cops, Why the hell would they augment them so much, that they couldn't survive with out stasis for more than 12 hours? that's dumb and a massive flaw seeing how that limits OTA's operational time(Who are more augmented and using more power) around 24 hours or so assuming they have better power supplies.

Another thing you could look up is ATP(Its what the body uses to power its self) and how pacemakers work.

Nobody is saying 12 hours. A couple days is far more likely, perhaps a week. How often do you go literal days without sleeping? A week? It's not really that easy. I imagine that most augmented units treat stasis as they would sleep. Making it a daily staple of life.

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2013, 03:23:14 PM »
270 doesn't have bionic augmentations, he/she/it has the newer Nantes(More like what you see in Deus Ex, not human revolution) which could be powered by the body easily, shes not as strong as someone who got the bionics, but its cheaper and improves more.
Stasis was suppose to be changed to be sleep, but it allows the union to further the indoctrination process(Making it quicker/more effective) but the guide wasn't updated(This was decided after RTLK took one of his leaves).
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2013, 03:27:43 PM »
As the leader of the medical division of the CCA for about 10 months now, I can tell you that augments are created and are mechanical. They are implanted through a surgical procedure in which all of your internal organs except for your brain are removed and replaced. As for your eye sight and hearing, the nanites pettit mentioned are injected into your eye's and ear's directly. Before your heart and lungs are removed, you're literally killed, then your lungs and heart are replaced with mechanical counterparts, and you're given another injection that "revives" you. As much as some like to deny it, augmentation surgery basically makes you a terminator cyborg. You still have your mind, but that's about all you have left to keep you human. high grade metropolice supplements are also injected into your "bloodstream", which help fuel your brain and anything left that's organic inside you. You wouldn't go into a cardiac arrest and die, since you have no organic heart. What would happen when your augments run out of power, is they would simply stop moving. You would be frozen in place, with your mind still working. Without the occasional metropolice supplement intake to keep your brain from dying and decaying, your brain would die and you would essentially be a statue where your augments stopped working.

As for an official guide from Valve, nothing exists. The closest you can get to an official word is by doing as raged mentioned and email the story writers.

I'm going to go ahead and say that nothing augmented can last outside of Combine facilities where it can go into stasis when needed. You may be able to find power sources, but without the appropriate means to connect them to yourself (a stasis pod), you couldn't do anything with them.

I've said this once and I'll say it again, your only chance of surviving would be to come across an OTA patrol and convince them to get you back to their outpost, allowing you to recharge there. Although if this were to happen, you'd be transported to a city. This would make your time in the Outlands on 270 rather temporary. You'll either die, or be found by OTA and transported.

Offline Zail

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #27 on: February 20, 2013, 03:30:12 PM »
270 doesn't have bionic augmentations, he/she/it has the newer Nantes(More like what you see in Deus Ex, not human revolution) which could be powered by the body easily, shes not as strong as someone who got the bionics, but its cheaper and improves more.
Stasis was suppose to be changed to be sleep, but it allows the union to further the indoctrination process(Making it quicker/more effective) but the guide wasn't updated(This was decided after RTLK took one of his leaves).

I've spoken to the Doctor and we've both agreed there's been a lack on communication. I've never said 270 was a terminator, as I already stated earlier. I mentioned, her legs and arms were 25% mechanical. This doesn't mean they're 100% robotic implants.
As The Doctor stated, it would be close or more likely Nanites.
I'd rather trust his words, seeing he's been here longer than me.
But apparently nobody will trust me eitherway.

Seeing I was under Purple, during his regime over GRID and Globey's I never saw any bionics being made. This was way before you were leader of NOVA / Support Airborne. When I became an officer, yes I recieved my first augmentations, the very same I have at the very moment. This was ALSO before you became the leader of NOVA. Unless you suddenly want to take control over my character and give her all what YOU'VE decided were to be given, after you were emplaced. I never made any mechanical legs / arms for myself, when I was GRID, neither did anyone for me and they were never installed by NOVA.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 03:35:02 PM by Challenge of death sex<3 »

Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2013, 03:33:41 PM »
As the leader of the medical division of the CCA for about 10 months now, I can tell you that augments are created and are mechanical. They are implanted through a surgical procedure in which all of your internal organs except for your brain are removed and replaced. As for your eye sight and hearing, the nanites pettit mentioned are injected into your eye's and ear's directly. Before your heart and lungs are removed, you're literally killed, then your lungs and heart are replaced with mechanical counterparts, and you're given another injection that "revives" you. As much as some like to deny it, augmentation surgery basically makes you a terminator cyborg. You still have your mind, but that's about all you have left to keep you human. high grade metropolice supplements are also injected into your "bloodstream", which help fuel your brain and anything left that's organic inside you. You wouldn't go into a cardiac arrest and die, since you have no organic heart. What would happen when your augments run out of power, is they would simply stop moving. You would be frozen in place, with your mind still working. Without the occasional metropolice supplement intake to keep your brain from dying and decaying, your brain would die and you would essentially be a statue where your augments stopped working.

As for an official guide from Valve, nothing exists. The closest you can get to an official word is by doing as raged mentioned and email the story writers.

I'm going to go ahead and say that nothing augmented can last outside of Combine facilities where it can go into stasis when needed. You may be able to find power sources, but without the appropriate means to connect them to yourself (a stasis pod), you couldn't do anything with them.

I've said this once and I'll say it again, your only chance of surviving would be to come across an OTA patrol and convince them to get you back to their outpost, allowing you to recharge there. Although if this were to happen, you'd be transported to a city. This would make your time in the Outlands on 270 rather temporary. You'll either die, or be found by OTA and transported.

Where did you get this? When I was NOVA DvL the only time we did a full aug like that was if the organs where failing, there was no reason to do a full one on a perfectly healthy unit.
I was also there when the change was made to move from full bionic augmentations to Nantes augmenting the natural mussel. OTA shouldn't even have bionic limbs anymore, Organs yes, but limbs no.
Why would they waste resources augmenting a CCA unit like that?

There's also a language barrier here, Challenge has been trying to say the entire time that the only augmenting she got was Nantes never got the bionic limbs.
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

Offline Airborne1st

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Re: 270's authorization app.
« Reply #29 on: February 20, 2013, 03:38:36 PM »
270 doesn't have bionic augmentations, he/she/it has the newer Nantes(More like what you see in Deus Ex, not human revolution) which could be powered by the body easily, shes not as strong as someone who got the bionics, but its cheaper and improves more.
Stasis was suppose to be changed to be sleep, but it allows the union to further the indoctrination process(Making it quicker/more effective) but the guide wasn't updated(This was decided after RTLK took one of his leaves).

I'd like to know who authorized, developed ICly, and surgically implanted these kind of augments in any unit, because I never did. Augments are done just as I mentioned.

Regarding challenge's comment that 270's limbs were 25% mechanical, they'd be pretty damn heavy for the biological parts of her to continue to lift. Try strapping 50lb weights to your arms and legs and then go camping for a week straight. It would be about the same unless you had your augments charged.

We have stasis for a reason, which is OfC+ ranked units never really go off duty, they just go into stasis. This is why we say on the radio, "Unit XXX is returning from stasis."

As the leader of the medical division of the CCA for about 10 months now, I can tell you that augments are created and are mechanical. They are implanted through a surgical procedure in which all of your internal organs except for your brain are removed and replaced. As for your eye sight and hearing, the nanites pettit mentioned are injected into your eye's and ear's directly. Before your heart and lungs are removed, you're literally killed, then your lungs and heart are replaced with mechanical counterparts, and you're given another injection that "revives" you. As much as some like to deny it, augmentation surgery basically makes you a terminator cyborg. You still have your mind, but that's about all you have left to keep you human. high grade metropolice supplements are also injected into your "bloodstream", which help fuel your brain and anything left that's organic inside you. You wouldn't go into a cardiac arrest and die, since you have no organic heart. What would happen when your augments run out of power, is they would simply stop moving. You would be frozen in place, with your mind still working. Without the occasional metropolice supplement intake to keep your brain from dying and decaying, your brain would die and you would essentially be a statue where your augments stopped working.

As for an official guide from Valve, nothing exists. The closest you can get to an official word is by doing as raged mentioned and email the story writers.

I'm going to go ahead and say that nothing augmented can last outside of Combine facilities where it can go into stasis when needed. You may be able to find power sources, but without the appropriate means to connect them to yourself (a stasis pod), you couldn't do anything with them.

I've said this once and I'll say it again, your only chance of surviving would be to come across an OTA patrol and convince them to get you back to their outpost, allowing you to recharge there. Although if this were to happen, you'd be transported to a city. This would make your time in the Outlands on 270 rather temporary. You'll either die, or be found by OTA and transported.

Where did you get this? When I was NOVA DvL the only time we did a full aug like that was if the organs where failing, there was no reason to do a full one on a perfectly healthy unit.
I was also there when the change was made to move from full bionic augmentations to Nantes augmenting the natural mussel. OTA shouldn't even have bionic limbs anymore, Organs yes, but limbs no.
Why would they waste resources augmenting a CCA unit like that?

There's also a language barrier here, Challenge has been trying to say the entire time that the only augmenting she got was Nantes never got the bionic limbs.

Here is the current augmentation procedure training:

Apply standard surgery preparations.
Place the unit being treated under the influence of N2O.
Begin by modifying the human ear, inject 5mL of EEN (Ear Enhancement Nano-Cells) into the patients' bloodstream.
Administer 30mL of HMEN (Human Muscle Enhancement Nano-Cells) into the patient's jugular vein.
Inject 1mL of ESN (Enhanced Sight Nano-Cells) into the patients' eye conjunctiva.
Inject 30mL of SSN (Swift Service Nano-Cells) into the jugular vein.
Remove the genitals of the patient using a laser cutter.
Remove every organ except the heart and lungs.
Inject the unit with a drug that temporarily 'kills' them off until the antidote is administered.
After all organs are removed, replace the heart and lungs with the artifically augmented heart and lungs provided.

Its a mixture of nanites and complete organ replacement. Limbs are only augmented if needed or a special request with a good reason is made. Regardless, limbs don't work when your organs don't. Its the same with augments. Limbs won't work unless what fuels them works. 270 would have no access to metropolice supplements, and even has a disadvantage having 25% augmented limbs.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 03:45:42 PM by Airborne1st »


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