Author Topic: My realizations and plans for the next year  (Read 6143 times)

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My realizations and plans for the next year
« on: September 04, 2012, 07:19:48 PM »
A lot of stuff has happened while I've had my 2~ months summer break and it's all really made me realize that I'm completely wasting my time while I'm at CG - spending all day sat on my ass not doing anything, not keeping up with my friends and not really doing anything.

I tried planning a massive big post to seem really cool and such but I'm bad a that sort of thing so this is basicly me saying that over the next year (starting within a few weeks till about June next year) I'm not going to be on CG anywhere near as much as I am now, at least I plan to not be anyway.

I simply don't have a life right now, I want to spend more time with my friends in real life and actually get social, rather than spending all my time worrying over little things online and literally getting wound up about stuff that I shouldn't be. So I'm going to go out more, with my current friends and probably make a few new ones, start hanging out a lot more and doing shit, you could call it "doing a roflwaffle" I guess, although I don't have the money or hotwings to acquire a woman yet.

I don't know how severely this will lower my activity, and to be honest while I want to spend all my time doing shit IRL I know that probably won't happen, so I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing - but I guess this is also sort of summing up my summer and what I've learned rather than just a "I might not be around as much" post. So yeah. Dunno what to say really, I'll still be on Steam and sometimes the servers, but realizing how much time I've wasted is really quite suprising.


I'm sorry this seems like a massive drama post considering I'm just going to be "a bit more inactive", but anyone who was like me should try and just... not sit on their computer all day, the shit I realized I've missed out on is awful, and considering in a year I'll be 18 I don't fancy spending my birthday on my computer...
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 07:22:33 PM by Smt »

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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2012, 07:28:03 PM »
Oh my god are you avoiding me?!?! Is it someone else?! Fine fuck you I'm already with someone who loves me and is more fiery (literally) than you in bed!!!

Are you ignoring me?! (x28)

If I tried that with the 'friends' I have at the moment, I would have a worse time ahahah

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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 10:27:38 AM »
well good luck.

I'm too socially awkward to be able to do anything outside of my house/yard.

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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2012, 10:37:30 AM »
well good luck.

I'm too socially awkward to be able to do anything outside of my house/yard.

I'm only socially awkward around people I don't know or girls (herpaderp), so I guess at least I can talk to my friends, eventually it'll make me more social which is a good thing so yeah.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 03:33:18 PM by Smt »

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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2012, 02:58:17 PM »
well good luck.

I'm too socially awkward to be able to do anything outside of my house/yard.

I'm only socially awkward around people I don't know or girls (herpaderp), so I guess at least I can talk to my friend, eventually it'll make me more social which is a good thing so yeah.
Me it's like if I'm around 1-2 friends or people its alright, anymore than that and it starts to get weird.

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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2012, 03:33:05 PM »
I said friend as if I have a single friend :c I meant friends - but yeah in large groups I'm not like "the loud one" and stuff.

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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2012, 05:38:26 AM »
I said friend as if I have a single friend :c I meant friends - but yeah in large groups I'm not like "the loud one" and stuff.

I know exactly what you mean man. I'm having the exact same problem as you. I literally don't have any social life at all. And all I have as friends are some school mates I only hang out with at school.
It really is sad, but just like more of you: I am extremely social awkward and I'm always the quiet type when I'm with people.
Even though I wish my life was different, I just can't get myself to improve. And the fact I'm already 21 makes it even worse. Wtf man, I should be going to work, and then be outside with friends the rest of the day, not sit at home worrying about a fucking community. :S
Literally: Fuck my life. /drama
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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2012, 05:54:47 AM »
if you're socially awkward(directed at everyone) it's because you care about what people think too much. I'm not saying stop caring entirely but you need to not really give a fuck about peoples opinions and just be yourself. Yeah, it's not going to happen overnight but just leave your house and do shit and you'll get better. I used to be like all of you probably are, and now I could honestly give a shit less about what people think and couldn't have a better life. Money and hotwings help but you don't need them
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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2012, 06:05:15 AM »
if you're socially awkward(directed at everyone) it's because you care about what people think too much. I'm not saying stop caring entirely but you need to not really give a fuck about peoples opinions and just be yourself. Yeah, it's not going to happen overnight but just leave your house and do shit and you'll get better. I used to be like all of you probably are, and now I could honestly give a shit less about what people think and couldn't have a better life. Money and hotwings help but you don't need them

I don't need to gain more weight, but it's difficult for me to not be socially awkward due to my aspergers, but I want to get over it, the same thing Smt is trying to do.

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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2012, 06:57:41 AM »
The problem what I (And probably more people here) have, is that due to the fact we don't really have friends to hang around with, we find it hard to actually think of something to do.
It's not like I'm going to walk in the bar all by myself... That's awkward and you'll see me just turn around and leave after 5 seconds.
I would have no problem to go outside and hang around more if I had friends to go with. The only thing then is that I would be the quiet type again. But due to the fact I don't have any friends living close enough to go hang around with on daily basis, I can't go out by myself because there isn't anything to do.
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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2012, 07:02:58 AM »
if you're socially awkward(directed at everyone) it's because you care about what people think too much. I'm not saying stop caring entirely but you need to not really give a fuck about peoples opinions and just be yourself. Yeah, it's not going to happen overnight but just leave your house and do shit and you'll get better. I used to be like all of you probably are, and now I could honestly give a shit less about what people think and couldn't have a better life. Money and hotwings help but you don't need them
Could not fucking agree more, Rofl. The first year of college for me was bad. I was socially awkward and didn't make any friends. Then out of nowhere on the second year, it just clicked. I stopped trying to be someone that I'm not. I stopped trying to impress people or fit into what I thought they wanted. I also turned 18 so I'm going out more. Also something I don't suggest but helped me: Social smoking. I'm not saying do it but I'm just trying to explain how things happened for me.
Somehow I got a girlfriend which for me at the time wasn't even on my mind since I'm a fatarse and I thought no one would go for me, but she did for some reason. She's helped me become a lot more confident too.

Also just to clarify, I had been home schooled from the age of 6 so that probably didn't help my confidence issues.

Long story short: Get out of your chair, stop giving a shit about what others think of you, -and to coin an ancient cliche- be YOURSELF. There's nothing worse than not being yourself. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to make friends by just being who you are. You get a much better reaction from people, trust me.

And don't make excuses as to why you can't. Make excuses as to why you CAN.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2012, 07:04:34 AM by JiggerFrizz »
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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2012, 07:26:56 AM »
If you don't have any friends and you're out of school, get a shitty job. Sure you'll be miserable but if it's what you gotta do to meet people, do it. Going to hookah bars and shit is another good way to meet people if you're in to that kind of thing. If you try to fit in it isn't going to work out so as I said earlier be yourself.
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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2012, 07:57:20 AM »
I don't know why but I've been feeling generally more confident, I think I have literally stopped caring about what people think and it seems to be going well. On the note of meeting people my college (high school) IT course has a trip planned for Eurogamer at the end of the month which should be pretty cool I guess, so yeah. Stuff.

Offline Psycho29388

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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2012, 02:28:47 PM »
The problem what I (And probably more people here) have, is that due to the fact we don't really have friends to hang around with, we find it hard to actually think of something to do.
It's not like I'm going to walk in the bar all by myself... That's awkward and you'll see me just turn around and leave after 5 seconds.
I would have no problem to go outside and hang around more if I had friends to go with. The only thing then is that I would be the quiet type again. But due to the fact I don't have any friends living close enough to go hang around with on daily basis, I can't go out by myself because there isn't anything to do.
You pretty much hit the nail on the head right here.

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Re: My realizations and plans for the next year
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2012, 04:37:59 PM »
The problem what I (And probably more people here) have, is that due to the fact we don't really have friends to hang around with, we find it hard to actually think of something to do.
It's not like I'm going to walk in the bar all by myself... That's awkward and you'll see me just turn around and leave after 5 seconds.
I would have no problem to go outside and hang around more if I had friends to go with. The only thing then is that I would be the quiet type again. But due to the fact I don't have any friends living close enough to go hang around with on daily basis, I can't go out by myself because there isn't anything to do.

if you want something to do try these:

Go on walks (idk)
Go running

I cant really think of anything right now but im trying to help at least, theres actually quite a bit of things you can do on your own. Try search it on the internet cause it helps me.
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