Author Topic: "Origami" Heavy Rain Novelisation  (Read 2049 times)

Offline EmperorDisasster

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"Origami" Heavy Rain Novelisation
« on: September 29, 2012, 06:18:11 PM »
Based off of the one off DLC and the full game. Will have mixed bits of the game's paths, and I'll try to bury most of the plot holes.

Prologue: The Taxidermist

Madison Paige. One of the best journalists in all of Philadelphia. Now a big break was headed her way.

The phone rang in excitement, as Madison sprung into action, position her short, beige hair whilst doing so.

"Madison Paige?" spoke Madison, to the phone. The phone spoke in a coarse-toned voice, gruff and depressed.

"Madison, it's Sam. I got the information you asked for." It spoke, as Madison, piece by piece, put her outfit of the day together. "The guy's name is Leland White. He used to be a taxidermist. 40 years old, single, apparently out of work for the last two years." Madison drew away from the phone as she clothed herself, preparing for the day ahead. The voice still spoke on. "No criminal record, no psychiatric history." Madison put the phone to her ear and she balanced it between her shoulder and head.

"A taxidermist? That's pretty original..." she drew her piece of toast from the toaster as she spread the finely melted butter across. "You got his address? I'd like to ask him a few questions." She bit into the bread causing a frightful crunching sound as she did so. The voice slowly replying back to her.

"His last known address was 411 Harbor Street, Lexington..." A brief pause came over the atmosphere as Madison wrote the address across her tender pale skin. "You really think this guy could be the 'Origami Killer'...?" Madison threw away the remains of the bread and she gathered her jacket, keys, helmet and work items, leaving the phone in it's dock before uttering the last sentences.

"Only one way to find out. If it's not him he'll give me some tips on how to stuff animals."

"If he is the killer?"

"Then we've got the scoop of the year!"

"Shit, you're really nuts."

"That's why you like me."

"Be careful Madison. You never know." Her finger rubbed against the red button of the phone before she uttered the final words.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine."


Madison's dreams rushed through her memory as she rode the bike through the traffic. The men in balaclavas and armed to the teeth, always attacking her at her most vulnerable moments. The only time she remembered when she could sleep was in the motels. The beds seemed more homely. Less dangerous. She didn't know why. They just did. But she digressed. The job came first, her personal problems, second. She'd finally arrived at the exact address. 411 Harbor Street. She left the slick, ebony motorcycle there as she removed her black helmet from her head, placing the helmet onto the bike. Her striped jacket and blue jeans kept up her appearance, possibly to give the suspect some eye candy. The house was average, like any other house in the neighborhood. The rain flooded the drains and shot into the gutters below, rain continuing to pour down. Madison didn't mind rain. The sound of it was quite therapeutic. She took out her small tape recorder, shielding it from intruding drops.

"Tuesday November 3rd. 4:15pm. I'm at the home of the suspect Leland White." She stopped the recording and placed the tape into her back pocket. Thoughts rummaged through her mind as she stepped up to the front door. Wouldn't be very discreet to look in his mailbox. Atmosphere is weird around here. Just ask him the questions and leave. Good as that. She knocked at the door. Nothing. Rung the doorbell. Still nothing. "Hello?" No answer. She peeked through the front window. The dirt surrounding the window made it almost impossible to see. She decided to look around the back of the house. Fucking freezing out here... She noticed something almost unnoticeable. The window was slightly ajar, but too high. Luckily, a conveniently placed barrel was able to aid her in reaching the window. She climbed onto the barrel as excitement rushed through her. Shit, Sam was right. I am crazy.

She squeezed between the gap until she was in the chilling house. She stepped upstairs as thoughts went through her head. What am I doing here? This place gives me the creeps. Even the fucking creepy floorboards are trying to fit the atmosphere. She began to open a door when she noticed a smell. The smell of rotten meat. Suddenly she saw it. She vomited across the floor as the ghastly sight of her puke caused her to turn back to the sight for relief. A woman had been left a bath after being drained of her blood. Her flesh strung across the walls. Madison slowly etched to her recorder and spoke as tears ran down her face.

"I-in... in the upstairs bathroom... a body in the b-bathtub. She... she's been, um... cut up... with a saw." Her pulse rushed as she left in disgust, investigating the other rooms. Suddenly, she noticed a figure. 3 in fact. She slowly opened the door to find a mannequin sat in a chair, staring and smiling. Madison walked towards the doll, feeling it's arm. The material was unusual. Almost like... flesh. Oh shit no... please no... This was no mannequin. Leland's victim's were stuffed into his figures of amusement. His playthings. Madison quickly took her camera and photographed the murder scene before putting it away in disgust. This time I have the story. She quickly checked the photos. The camera's battery died. Shit. She walked down the stairs as each step creaked. Suddenly, she heard something. A car engine stopping... Leland was home... Time to play...

//moar soon
im bach


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