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Messages - Elions

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NOTE: While this story has IC ocurrences with two of my characters, the knowledge of this events is OOC, this story is strictly for entertainment purposes and a little background on Eli since half the bloody server seems to have questions about him when i play  :D Anyhow. BEGIN.
Warning: Big screenshots ahead.

The morning sky was still dark, a reminder of the grim start of the new decade as two different figures moved through the rooftops of one of the few still standing towns close to Glasgow

"Come on, Eli! I'm only going half-speed here!" one of the two figures spoke as they moved, a femenine voice with a hint of a french accent as they ran across the rooftops, one of the few lasting ways to move past the Universal Union's patrols without getting frisked, they never truly bothered with the runners as they never could hope to catch them

A small miscalculation made the woman slip off the rooftops, almost falling to her certain death before the man following her grabbed her arm and stopped her from falling. She looked up into the eyes of her saviour "... I told you you have to be more carefull, Harley" He hoisted her up to the rooftop again, holding her close and enjoying the small moment of intimacy before letting her catch her breath, sitting next to him "Thanks... Sometimes i get carried away" she smiles nervously, knowing fully well what would have ocurred to her if he hadn't reacted on time

they both overlook the few still lit up buildings, the view of Glasgow in the distance a strangely beautifull chaos, buildings destroyed, small fires and Combine buildings combined with the still buzzing life of the city, the people still hoping for a way to work through this "Makes you wonder what life will hold for us next, huh?" she speaks as they watch over, wishing in a strange way to have a camera to record the moment, a cold polaroid picture of a beauty that simply cannot be described with mere words...

"Eh... I don't really care what comes next... I've got everything i need right here with me" he puts his hand over hers and holds it gently, a corny line at best, but one that rings all too true to his actual feelings for the woman sitting next to him. If only he had known what would ocurr with her later in life.

She gives him a warm smile, holding his hand back as they both look over the city "... Eli... Promise me something ok?" he looks at her awkwardly for a moment but doesn't hesistate to answer "Sure... What is it?"

"Promise me that no matter what you'll keep helping people like we do." She always did think of everyone else before herself "These people need us after all..." He smiles a little awkwardly as he pulls her closer to him, his arms wrapped around her as he quietly answers "I promise..." "Good. I expect you to keep that promise, mister!" She teasingly hugs him back as he tries to answer "OH don't worry..."


A loud gunshot resonates in the outlands as Stalker slowly opens his eyes...

He find himself sitting up on the rooftop of the Inn and looking over towards the lake, the loud metallic noise bringing him back to the grim reality, looking through his gasmask at an old picture in his hand, a picture of Harley Morrison and Himself.
"... Gentelmen always keep their promises...." he says out loud to himself as he stuffs the picture back into his coat, getting up and deciding to move to check the source of the gunshot

he radios in
"Stalker here... Shots fired by the lake... I'm going to investigate." The static noise of the radio covers his footsteps as he walks away, the morning sun barely starting to come over the horizon, overshadowing him as he moves towards the Lake....

Introductions / Long overdue introduction
« on: February 21, 2012, 04:38:26 PM »
Had this account and have been playing on the servers for a while but i never really introduced myself

Hi. I'm Elions  :D

I'm one of the few south-americans that plays on the Outlands, been playing for a few months and i honestly have to say i love the servers
i play pretty much anything and are always up to do some random stuff around the servers

feel free to ask anything! (And check my signature for the characters i play if you don't recognize me)

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