Author Topic: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?  (Read 8614 times)

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Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« on: January 22, 2013, 08:21:48 PM »
I guess one thing I never really understood, is that in TV shows and real life, girls are usually into "Guy" things. Just a few examples I could think of is maybe football, video games, fighting etc. or really things that a large majority of males liking, that doesn't seem very feminine. Even with clothing, it seems that it doesn't really even matter that a female is wearing male clothing. And of course, friends is a major thing. Females always hug each other, call each other "Girlfriends" and what not. However if you flip it all around you would call a guy "gay". I mean I guess a guy that was into feminine stuff such as dresses, make-up, jewelry etc. one might call him gay. Never understood this, maybe it has something to do with trying to be least feminine and look the manliest, but then why do girls not care about being the girliest? What are your opinions on this? (P.S. No Troll answers, remember this is in the Social Discussion Tab, not Spam)

wait i dont get

thats what i said when i first learned about weaboo's, furries, and bronys

Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 08:29:26 PM »
To be entirely honest, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thought this before. Just like I don't think it's right that only girls can be considered 'bi-sexual' in most instances to certain people while if a guy likes both genders he's automatically a 'gay guy that likes girls'. That just doesn't makes sense and is just plain unfair to people who prefer this. I avidly think that women should have the same right and shit as men however I don't believe that just because women are women they should be given more liberties than men both morally and legally. Just like when women cry rape, whether it's true or not the guy is automatically going to go to jail no questions asked no matter how he pleads obviously until the court hearing.

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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2013, 09:21:55 PM »
because men are supposed to be seen as 'manly' and will get called gay for showing feministic values such as watching a show for girls and seeing as gay men usually do how feministic values it's often assumed as so
women who watch 'boy things' - whatever the fuck a 'boy thing' is is - are usually called tomboys
i bet you want to be a girl so you won't get called gay for watching a show about pinkie ponies huh

Just because they're teenage boys watching a show made for little girls

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« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 11:28:53 PM by hogs »

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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2013, 09:22:48 PM »
i bet you want to be a girl so you won't get called gay for watching a show about pinkie ponies huh

first thing i thought when i read op's post

point is because men are supposed to be dominant/manly/individual/alpha and all that snaz and women aren't.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 09:25:50 PM by raged »

Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2013, 09:38:51 PM »
Men don't normally do that because of Hunting pack mentalities that exist more in males then Females which is why you find more common strong relationships between men then women because they needed that to take down bigger game and hunt/fight.

You also have the fact that men also tend to criticize other quite often(Playfully normally) this is them making suggestions to.. In a way... Make it easier/more likely for you to find a mate.
Dressing in a skirt and high heels are very unlikely for you to find a "Mate" of the other gender.
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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2013, 09:52:07 PM »
I've been described by friends and family as a 'feminine' male. I tend to excessively groom, be into shit like candles and poetry, and clothing. Of course, given that I actually am gay, a lot of this stuff might (albeit, stereotypically) make sense. I think that a lot of the bias or double-standards involved here stem out of sexual identity and gender.

Where as a girl hugging another girl, or something of that sort, is normal, the same situation with a guy is not. I think that (before society locked this situation in place) it all began with hormonal differences, ie testosterone / androgen and estrogen / progesterone. In man's beginning, a woman who had a child would stay at the 'habitat' breast feeding, because they had breasts- because of the hormones.  Meanwhile the men had the aggression and strength and speed required to hunt- because if the hormones.

Way back then, it wasn't a society thing, because there was no society. But as we evolved as a species, or man-woman relationship would only adapt, resulting in the subtle changes we have today.
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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2013, 10:02:50 PM »
Where as a girl hugging another girl, or something of that sort, is normal, the same situation with a guy is not.

I beg to differ. Bro hugs. I do it with my friends. Sparingly, but I do.

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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2013, 10:27:01 PM »
Human instinct, hard coded into our brains. It's the same throughout the animal kingdom. Simply, the male needs to prove to the female that he is the strongest. Some animals do this by shows, others by fights. Females with the highest attractiveness get the strongest males. A female needs a strong male to protect her children.

Showing signs of feminine like behaviour in a male is basically showing weakness. Its our human instinct to go "Oh, he's weak. lets make sure he gets no girls."

Of course, there's nothing saying we can't ignore our instincts and just accept one another for who we are. In modern times, we don't necessarily need to be strong to attract the opposite sex or raise our offsprings properly and safely. Just need the right mentality.

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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2013, 10:43:10 PM »
It's the same throughout the animal kingdom.

Actually, in MANY species the female is the dominant gender. For example, scorpians and certain species of spiders (I think Black Widows and other widow species, but don't quote me on that one). Female lions are the hunters, apposed to the common belief that the males are, so really, in nature males aren't necessarily the hunters or dominant force. It varies from species to species.

And the Praying Mantis. Don't forget the Mantis.

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Offline Sexy Frog

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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2013, 10:57:41 PM »
It's the same throughout the animal kingdom.

Actually, in MANY species the female is the dominant gender. For example, scorpians and certain species of spiders (I think Black Widows and other widow species, but don't quote me on that one). Female lions are the hunters, apposed to the common belief that the males are, so really, in nature males aren't necessarily the hunters or dominant force. It varies from species to species.

And the Praying Mantis. Don't forget the Mantis.

Not meaning to derail here, but just a fun fact. In my state (Maryland [Let's go Ravens Superbowl 47]) there's a 50 dollar fine for killing a praying mantis.

Back on topic, yes, females are dominant there too. Also, there are a lot of species where there is no dominant gender. For example anacondas live in solitude, meaning that each and every one only has it's self to gather it's vital resources. So really, it's far from the same throughout the animal kingdom.

Also there's one species of lizard where the male does not exist because it reproduces by a sort of self cloning. I learned about it in Biology.

As well as there being a species of African frog that can change it's gender actively in a same sex environment to ensure prolonged survival of the species. Nature finds a way but totally off topic. I'll stop now.

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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2013, 12:09:08 AM »
I personally think that guys can like girl things, and girls can like guy things. I've got a few guy friends who hang usually with girls, are into clothing and makeup, shopping, that kind of stuff. I also know a few girls who are into heavy metal, skateboarding, and sometimes roughing it out (oh god it's not as fun as it sounds). There's some points, though, where someone crosses a line into a zone that makes me a bit uncomfortable at. Like guys walking around with earings, short, skinny jeans and a deep V-neck. That stuffs creeps me out. Similarly with girls, if they're walking around in saggy pants, short raggedy hair, and bruised knuckles, I find that uncomfortable to.

Just to use this as an example, because I feel this is the reason behind you making the thread. I personally don't find MLP to be a 'show for girls' or anything like that. I view it as a show meant for younger children, generally tilted towards young girls. Quite honestly, if that show was around when I was between the ages of 3 - 7, I probably would have watched it. Little kids will pretty much watch anything like that. Seeing that, I find it strange to be around grown men who have an interest in that kind of thing. Now, usually, I wouldn't care in the slightest. It's a decent show, I'm not going to say it's absolute shit. But it doesn't appeal to me at all. I know a few bronies IRL, and they're generally fine. One of them, though, wears MLP shirts everyday, talks about it quite often, writes fanficiton, etc. I find that a bit odd and a bit uncomfortable, seeing as I happen to see it as a show meant for younger children. The main 'brony' I usually meet online or IRL generally follows that line. They try to convince me it's good, talk about it a ton, make a ton of refrences. It get's on my nerves, and that's why I have issues with it. I probably shouldn't be like that. I've just developed that ideal that bronies shove the show down my throat. If you don't do shit like that, you're fine in my book.

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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2013, 02:16:20 AM »
I guess its just the nature of men to be as manly as possible. Besides, it is usually the male trying to get the female, and not vise versa. And that is not just with humans, but with almost all animals.

For example, see 2 girls kiss each other and most people are fine with it. Some say its even hot. But see 2 boys kiss and it is suddenly disgusting and gay. And Im not saying this because I am male, because girls can agree with this as well.

So yes, it is strange. But Im not to bothered with it. Let everyone be who he or she is. If they are happy with who they are, then you have no rights to complain.

Ps: please stop the whole brony discussion. This is not spam (aka not allowed here), it has nothing to do with the subject and it only causes flamewars and hatered.

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« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 02:18:54 AM by Nicknero1405 »
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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2013, 06:56:44 AM »
I think it stems back to times were women didn't talk unless the male allowed her too, men were always (and still are to some extent in lots of eastern countries) the dominant sex and women were just "there" to do stuff for the males. I don't think that's an excuse for it anymore though, it's just a lot of people seem to disagree with a guy being "a bit feminine" and that's not really something anyone should have the right to disagree with imo
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 11:36:58 AM by Smt »

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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2013, 03:54:22 AM »
You know, before I was a veteran of the internet and long before Catalyst Gaming I honestly couldn't give the slightest of fucks if you were a brony or not, but what kind of soured my opinion on bronies in general is that they tend to spread around the forums where they reside and proceed to envelop EVERYTHING in ponies with signatures, names, and forum posts.
The bronies that I am cool with, however, don't try and slap their show in my face, rub it, and shout LOVE AND TOLERATE in my face. This isn't a problem with the bronies of CG as much as it is with some others I have been involved with, I am happy to say.
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Re: Girls can like guy things but no vice-virsa?
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2013, 07:04:17 AM »
 All I can say is that I hate this fandom. They love to worship it like the bible. Whenever you put your own opinion up - and I did this once without any swearing involved - they would just respond with "omfg luv and fucking t0llalalaslgglasas"

 Females tend to do different things from males. Males tend to do different things from females. Thus, they are different from eachother but have abit similiarities aswell.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 11:18:16 AM by STALKER »


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