Catalyst Gaming

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rick Grimes on January 10, 2012, 02:41:30 PM

Title: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Rick Grimes on January 10, 2012, 02:41:30 PM
If you've got more than 100 hours on GMod in the last 2 weeks you can get a beta key now at
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Nicknero on January 10, 2012, 02:50:48 PM
That sucks. Seeing as I just returned from vacation I don't have more then 100 hours.
Even though I have a total of like 5800+ hours. Lulz.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Martinerrr on January 10, 2012, 02:51:37 PM
Why did you post this thread, dude goddamnit.
It's for developers, not for players to see the fancy changing background.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Penguin on January 10, 2012, 03:32:31 PM
Wow I just got a key thanks
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: D3AD_S1L3NT on January 10, 2012, 03:34:08 PM
dead silent faints... i need 74 hours.... and guys that website is sketchy....
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Martinerrr on January 10, 2012, 03:34:36 PM
Wow I just got a key thanks
What are you going to do with it?
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Statua on January 10, 2012, 03:37:01 PM
I had 100 hours last week... now I have 30... sadface
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: D3AD_S1L3NT on January 10, 2012, 03:40:44 PM
this is stupid, ill never get 100+ hours in 2 weeks because i go away for a week,so i really have only 1 week to play 100+ hrs and i have school :\
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Penguin on January 10, 2012, 03:43:16 PM
Wow I just got a key thanks
What are you going to do with it?
Redeem it I guess.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: the.derp on January 10, 2012, 03:45:48 PM
Protip: leave gmod running in a local sandbox server while not there.

Sent from my ADR6400L, also known as the HTC Thunderbolt, using the Verizon LTE 4G network and powered by Tapatalk and a ton of Caffeine.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Martinerrr on January 10, 2012, 04:13:41 PM
Protip: leave gmod running in a local sandbox server while not there.

Sent from my ADR6400L, also known as the HTC Thunderbolt, using the Verizon LTE 4G network and powered by Tapatalk and a ton of Caffeine.
But it's supposed to be for Developers, not regular players.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Anzu on January 10, 2012, 05:04:21 PM
Every regular player that claims a key and is not a dev: why? Its useless for you. The only thing those keys are for is for DEVS TO IMPROVE / FIX THEIR WORK WHEN THE UPDATE HITS.

Only thing regular players get is new background.

Please do the devs a favour and dont claim one.. if every player claimed one, devs wouldnt have any and then every gamemode would be broken.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Penguin on January 10, 2012, 05:32:05 PM
Don't flame me for getting a key, I did not know the purpose of the beta there are 700+ keys left.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Nicknero on January 11, 2012, 11:17:53 AM
0 left by now.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Black Elf on January 11, 2012, 08:25:17 PM
Dunno, I just recently got a key today, so there are probably 500+ left. So i've been told
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Yimmy The Cat on January 11, 2012, 08:30:53 PM
0 now

Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: wag1 on January 11, 2012, 10:01:07 PM
Honestly, I can't say that much has changed besides the GUI (barely), the spawn menu and the  menu... I'm sure there's going to be more in the future though.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Statua on January 11, 2012, 11:33:36 PM
Honestly, I can't say that much has changed besides the GUI (barely), the spawn menu and the  menu... I'm sure there's going to be more in the future though.
That's because these beta keys are for developers who need to change code.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Martinerrr on January 12, 2012, 02:32:17 AM
Code: [Select]
New menu screen
Added Bone Manipulator
Updated PHX Model Pack
Fixed HTTP connection crash
SuperDOF no longer crashes when using multicore rendering
Added Properties to ‘C Menu’
Disabled physics penetration warnings
Changed map icons to png images
Fixed HL1 NPCs using wrong gibs
Fixed HL1 grunt droppings
Now uses GWEN skins
Fixed missing wade sounds
Fixed missing crossbow sounds
Added spawnicon build notice panel
Updated spawnicon system
Spawnmenu categories now tree based and customizable
Can bind actions to ANY key (instead of only numpad)
Fixed stalker model
Removed playerinfo from sandbox (wasn’t used)
SuperDOF now renders water properly
SuperDOF shows percentage done
Made gravity gun sounds quieter
Fixed odd console print order issues
Removed PixelRender
New freeze/unfreeze effects
New physgun grab effect
Removing no longer reported in the console
Added new console
Fixed crashing on invalid sound
Fixed generic constraint crash
Fixed motor constraint crash
Added ingame video recording
Undo's, Unfreezes and Limits no longer print to console
Merged weld and easy weld into one tool
Moved statue tool to properties menu
Moved keep upright tool to properties menu
Face posing now works on NPCs
Fixed weapons not being predicted on secondary fire
Spawnicons are now resizable

Removed datastream
Fixed errors with Shutdown hook
Added TextEntry:CutSelected()
Added TextEntry:CopySelected()
Added TextEntry:Paste()
Added TextEntry:Undo()
Added TextEntry:SaveUndoState()
Added HTML:SetScrollbarsEnabled( b )
Added HTML:SetContextMenuEnabled( b )
Added HTML:SetViewSourceEnabled( b )
Added HTML:GetHTMLSize()
Added HTML:GetHTMLScroll()
Added HTML:SetHTMLScroll( x, y )
Added HTML:SetHTMLSize( w, h )
Added Menu:IsInGame()
Added DHTML vgui control
Added DPanelOverlay vgui control
Added Panel:GetChildren()
Added Panel:PaintAt( x, y )
Added surface.SetAlphaMultiplier( 0-1 )
Added vgui.GetHoveredPanel()
Added Derma Box Selection
Added Derma Drag n Drop
Added DPanelList:SetSortable( b )
Added DPanelList:SetAnimTime( f )
Added DPanelList:SetAnimEase( f )
Added table.RemoveByValue( tbl, val )
Added Panel:OnChildRemoved() callback
Added Panel:DragHoverClick()
Added DTreeNode:AddFolder( strName, strFolder, bShowFiles, strWildCard, bDontForceExpandable )
Added DTree:OnNodeSelected( node )
Added DLabelEditable
Added DPanelList:InsertBefore( before, pnl )
Added DPanelList:InsertAfter( before, pnl )
Added DDrawer control
Added Panel:OnDeletion() hook
Added input.IsShiftDown()
Added input.IsControlDown()
Added Panel:Stop() (stops all animation dead)
Added Panel:Queue() (adds an animation queue point)
Added Panel:AnimTail() (returns system time that the last animation will stop)
Added Panel:Distance( pnl )
Added render.OverrideDepthEnable( benable, bdepth )
Added Panel:SlideUp( f )
Added Panel:SlideDown( f )
Added DTreeNode:GetName()
Added Entity:RemoveAllDecals()
Fixed DButton overriding DLabels SetTextColor settings
Added Panel:HasHierarchicalFocus()
Fixed surface.DrawTexturedRectUV
Added IMaterial:GetColor( x, y ) (only works on png)
Added ITexture:GetColor( x, y ) (only works on png)
Panel paint hooks now get width + height
KeyValuesToTable corretly loads keys as numbers where appropriate
Removed PhysObject()
TableToKeyValues now 162 times faster
Added EmitSentence( strSentence, vecPos, iEnt, iChannel, fVol, iSoundLevel, iFlags, iPitch )
Added EmitSound( strSound, vecPos, iEnt, iChannel, fVol, iSoundLevel, iFlags, iPitch )
GetPreferredCarryAngles gets called on all physics based entities
Added Panel:AddChild( strPanelClass )
Added Panel:CopyBase()
Added Panel:IsChild( pPanel )
Added Panel:InvalidateChildren( bRecurse )
Added DIconLayout
Added DIconBrowser
Dbuttons can now be toggle
Added Button:DoDoubleClick
Console commands receive ArgS variable
Removed DSysButton
Added Material:SetMaterialUndefined
Added MsgC( color, str, ... )
Added gui.sGameUIVisible()
Added gui.IsConsoleVisible()
Added extra check in PlayerDeath
Added Panel:GetFont()
Added Entity:GetNoDraw()
Panel:SizeToChildren now correctly accounts for padding
Added Label:GetTextSize
Added Label:GetTextInset
Added Panel:HasHierarchicalFocus()
Added net library
Added widgets
Added util.IntersectRayWithPlane( raystart, raydirnorm, planepos, planenorm ) (returns hitpos or nil)
Added util.IntersectRayWithOBB( raystart, raydirnorm, obbpos, obbang, obbmin, obbmax ) (returns hitpos+normal or nil)
Entity:IsOnFire is now shared
Added Entity:FollowBone( parent, boneid )
Added PlayerTick hook
Added CMoveData:KeyDown( key )
Added CMoveData:KeyWasDown( key )
Entities no longer have to be in a folder, can be single files (ie entities/ent_ball.lua)
Fixed OnPlayerHitGround hook
Added util.DistanceToLine( vstart, vend, vpos ) (returns fdist, vpos, falong)
Added Entity:SetBoneManipulator( ent )
Added Entity:GetBoneManipulator()
Added Entity:ManipulateBonePosition( boneid, vector )
Added Entity:GetManipulateBonePosition( boneid )
Added CUserCmd:RemoveKey( id )
Added halo library
Added new render hook "PreDrawViewModel"
Added render.GetSmallTex0()
Added render.GetSmallTex1()
Added render.GetColorModulation()
Added render.GetBlend()
Added render.MaterialOverride( material | nil )
Added render.BlurRenderTarget( rt, sizex, sizey, passes )
Removed enums folder
Added properties library
Added Entity hook "CalcAbsolutePosition"
Added render.DepthRange( flmin, flmax )
Added Entity:GetParentAttachment() (returns int)
Added render.DrawLine( vec, vec, color, zbuffer )
Added render.DrawBox( vec, angle, vec, vec, color, zbuffer )
Added render.DrawWireframeBox( vec, angle, vec, vec, color, zbuffer )
Added render.DrawWireframeSphere( vec, size, int, int, color, zbuffer )
Added render.DrawSphere( vec, size, int, int, color )
Added Entity:HasBoneManipulations()
Added MenuSystem:RawConsoleCommand()
Lua is stricter, errors more
Added Entity:GetLocalAngularVelocity()
Added Entity:SetLocalAngularVelocity( angle )
Added Entity:Use( activator, caller, use_type, value )
PlayerConnect hook no longer passes IP Address clientside
Fixed wrong bullet collisions on SENTS with custom physics objects [verify]
Added scripted_ents.Alias( from, to ) [verify]
Added string.JavascriptSafe( str ) [verify]
Effects can now be loaded from effects/effectname.lua
Added DMenuBar
DMenu can specify whether they should be deleted when closed
Overlay panels will no longer draw if hidden (!)
Added menubar library
Added menu option checking
Added DMenuOptionCVar 
Added Entity:GetMomentaryRotButtonPos( ang )
Fixed security in file.FindDir
Entity:SetColor now only takes a Color table
Entity:GetColor now only returns a Color table
Added system.IsWindows()
Added system.IsOSX()
Added system.IsLinux()
Added system.HasFocus() (windows and mac only)
Added PANEL:SetTabbingDisabled( b )
Added PANEL:GetTabbingDisabled()
Added render.PushFlashlightMode( b )
Added render.PopFlashlightMode()
Added GM:FindUseEntity( ply, ent ) [verify]
Entity:DrawShadow now works on players [verify]
Fixed math.randomseed [verify]
Entity:SetRenderBounds no longer clamped
Fixed UTIL_ScreenShake not working clientside
Added Panel:GetChild( iNum )
Added Player:AddVCDSequenceToGestureSlot( i, i, f, b)
File.Read now takes a 3rd parameter bool. True to read in binary mode.
Overlays now come from the list OverlayMaterials
Added spawnmenu.SetActiveControlPanel( pnl )
Added spawnmenu.ActiveControlPanel()
Added spawnmenu.ActivateToolPanel( tabid, controlpanel )
Removed global g_ActiveControlPanel
Added video.Record( table ) (returns vid object on success)

Sorry, no changes?
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: ???????£??Rose Nocturna??? on January 12, 2012, 07:59:42 AM
OH yeah, and the new engine does a lot better, 32k entities, 0 lag, its fucking amazing.  I spammed couches for an hour, no lag, no D/C, or overflow, nothing.
Title: Re: Gmod Beta 13 free keys
Post by: Crap-Head on January 12, 2012, 08:40:03 AM
Honestly, I can't say that much has changed besides the GUI (barely), the spawn menu and the  menu... I'm sure there's going to be more in the future though.

75% of the changes is for coders. Nothing you will notice.

Locked seeing as there are no more codes. If you feel like you REALLY want to discuss the beta for whatever reason you might have, create another account.

(No don't make a thread asking who got a key)

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